Friday, February 23, 2007

Do Many Of Today's Vitamin Supplements Owe Their Existence To Early Native Americans? by Gregg Hall

Vitamin Supplements are fast becoming a way of life for many people. With the high cost of prescription drugs, many people are turning to vitamin supplements to aid in their health for different diseases. Many of the supplements have been used for years by our ancestors and are now becoming more popular among the population today. Maybe our ancestors knew a lot more than we give them credit for.

They discovered many plants and their roots were good for different ailments and used them in the raw form to heal themselves and their family members. Many of those remedies are still being used today and the companies manufacturing the vitamin supplements have discovered that they do in fact work so they are manufacturing the plants in pill, capsule, or liquid form and making millions of dollars from them. It is a shame that a lot of these supplements have been discovered through the American Indians and they deserve to get some compensation or benefits from the sell of these products but instead they get nothing and some still live on reservations. Again the greed of some has won.

The food that is being processed today may not contain all of the vitamins and minerals that the body needs on a daily basis and many people do not eat a balanced diet at each meal if they eat a meal at all. Some are too busy so they just grab an unhealthy snack and it has to do until the next meal. Much of the food we eat today is either not healthy for us or the process in which it is manufactured is not healthy. The natural food products are very hard to find and usually are expensive when we do find them.

The vitamin supplements can help assure us that we are getting the necessary daily dose that our body needs. By getting the right vitamins and minerals in out system we are helping to fight off diseases and viruses. There are some supplemental vitamins that will make your immune system stronger and when everyone else is getting the flu you are healthy. The natural vitamin supplements do not have a lot of added synthetics or caffeine or other negative properties in them. They are all natural and will may do more good than a lot of the prescription drugs.

They are considered vitamin supplements because they are made from natural plants and have no additives. This is why they cannot be considered as drugs. They contain no manmade synthetics, which is the factor in prescription medications. If given the choice, many people would rather use the natural vitamin supplement as opposed to a drug, which may aid in one ailment but may possible cause destruction of other body parts. Why would one take something to lower the blood pressure if it is going to destroy the liver or kidneys? Gee, we need them too!

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find more about this as well as quality natural health supplements at

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