Dietary Health Vitamin Supplement: Do You Need One?
By Mike Jerry
Do you need a dietary health vitamin supplement? Many of us wonder if we are eating a balanced enough diet to get all of our vitamins and minerals on a daily basis. The truth is... even the most balanced diet can be lacking in some very important vitamins. Taking a daily multi-vitamin can be the perfect nutritional supplement for anyone.
Most people believe that eating a balanced diet is the only thing that is important to maintaining good health. Actually, eating a balanced diet and combining that with regular exercise, proper hydration, and the right dosage of multivitamins will be a more accurate way of obtaining optimal health.
It is essential to keep the body moving. Although supplements can be useful for nutritional purposes, only moving your body can burn the calories. Exercising helps to rid your body of the waste products that build up in your muscle and other organ tissues. To aid in proper health, it is recommended that you get your heart rate up for at least 30 minutes three times per week.
Drinking enough fluids is another essential part of keeping your body at its optimal health. You can take all the herbal remedies and multivitamin supplement pills you want...but if you are not properly hydrated, they will be extremely ineffective. Most physicians recommend that you drink at least 64 ounces of water on a daily basis. More if you are consuming alcohol or caffeinated beverages.
Eating a well balanced diet is also very important to maintaining proper health. A diet high in sugars or fats will quickly deplete your body of energy. Eating at least 9 fruits and vegetables a day will keep your tummy full of healthy food and leave little room for sweets and other not so healthy food items.
Almost everyone can benefit from taking at least a multi-mineral type of vitamin on a daily basis. Even individuals who monitor their diet closely, exercise regularly, and drink plenty of water can be deficient in one or more vitamins. Taking a multi-vitamin will help to ensure that a wide range of minerals is entering your body at least once per day.
Even healthy eaters tend to have their favorite foods that they eat on a daily basis. Even if these foods are extremely healthy, they can be lacking in certain vitamins. Someone who eats five oranges a day will obviously be getting plenty of vitamin C but may be deficient in different vitamins like: Vitamin D or E.
Although you may not need a multivitamin to feel healthy, you may find that taking it will help boost your energy levels far beyond your current levels. It is important for people of all nutrition levels to consider a multivitamin to help them reach their optimal health. To help increase the effectiveness of the multivitamins, people can also incorporate consistent exercise, a well balanced diet, and drinking at least 64 ounces of water every day.
Finding the multivitamin supplement that is right for you can be quite a challenge. For helpful and informative articles, resources, facts and tips to assist you toward better health please visit us at:
Article Source:
Friday, December 15, 2006
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Vitamin Supplements And Your Child
By Jeff Matson
In a perfect world, your children would eat a balanced dietwith the right amount of fruits and vegetables recommended bynutritional standards. However, we all know that rarelyhappens. Many children do not like and sometimes refuse to eatsome kinds of fruits and vegetables. This makes it difficult toensure they are receiving a well-balanced diet that provides allthe vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy life. There arethings you can do as a parent to ensure your child is receivingadequate amounts of vitamins and minerals in their diet.
Using vitamin and mineral supplements to ensure a well-balanceddiet can begin during pregnancy. It is very important forpregnant mothers to obtain the recommended dose of folate andvitamin B-6, since it is an essential component in theformation of genetic material and hemoglobin in red bloodcells. Lack of folic acid can cause the mother to become anemicand increases the risk of miscarriage. Folic acid deficiency mayalso cause the child to be born with a deformity or disability.If you are pregnant and you feel you cannot obtain the adequateamounts of vitamin B-6 on your own, it may be a good idea tolook into a vitamin supplement for the duration of yourpregnancy and talk to your Doctor.
Once your child is born there are more steps you can take inthe first 2 years of their lives, which may increase theirvitamin intake and provide a healthier lifestyle. Babies whoare breastfed often lack vitamin D. This is not as necessary ifthe mother is eating a well-balanced diet, however breast milkalone does not give the baby the recommended daily amount ofvitamin D. Formula fed babies do not need any vitaminsupplementation. Medically approved, commercial iron-fortifiedformulas provide babies with the recommended amount of vitaminsthey need, so babies require no additional supplements. Givingvitamin supplements to a baby who is already receiving thedaily recommendation can be harmful and potentially become verydangerous for your child.
When your child reaches the age of about 2 (and older) and iseating solid foods from all food groups, vitamin supplementsare usually not necessary. Try and provide the adequate amountof vitamins and minerals to your children through the foodsthey eat regularly. Sometimes this can be an impossible taskand if you think your child is lacking the sufficient amountsof vitamins, the best thing to do is to contact their doctorwho will recommend whether or not vitamin supplements arenecessary. It is important to remember that vitamin supplementsare meant to accompany food and are in no way meant as areplacement for a healthy diet.
Health-related information changes frequently, and while everyattempt has been made to ensure the content in this article isup to date and accurate, you should always check with a doctoror nutritional expert before undertaking any substantial changein diet or lifestyle.
About the Author: Jeff Matson is an avid health enthusiast whoowned and operated his own natural health food store. Nowretired, Jeff spends his time keeping fit, walking marathonsand writing articles as a contributing editor for
By Jeff Matson
In a perfect world, your children would eat a balanced dietwith the right amount of fruits and vegetables recommended bynutritional standards. However, we all know that rarelyhappens. Many children do not like and sometimes refuse to eatsome kinds of fruits and vegetables. This makes it difficult toensure they are receiving a well-balanced diet that provides allthe vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy life. There arethings you can do as a parent to ensure your child is receivingadequate amounts of vitamins and minerals in their diet.
Using vitamin and mineral supplements to ensure a well-balanceddiet can begin during pregnancy. It is very important forpregnant mothers to obtain the recommended dose of folate andvitamin B-6, since it is an essential component in theformation of genetic material and hemoglobin in red bloodcells. Lack of folic acid can cause the mother to become anemicand increases the risk of miscarriage. Folic acid deficiency mayalso cause the child to be born with a deformity or disability.If you are pregnant and you feel you cannot obtain the adequateamounts of vitamin B-6 on your own, it may be a good idea tolook into a vitamin supplement for the duration of yourpregnancy and talk to your Doctor.
Once your child is born there are more steps you can take inthe first 2 years of their lives, which may increase theirvitamin intake and provide a healthier lifestyle. Babies whoare breastfed often lack vitamin D. This is not as necessary ifthe mother is eating a well-balanced diet, however breast milkalone does not give the baby the recommended daily amount ofvitamin D. Formula fed babies do not need any vitaminsupplementation. Medically approved, commercial iron-fortifiedformulas provide babies with the recommended amount of vitaminsthey need, so babies require no additional supplements. Givingvitamin supplements to a baby who is already receiving thedaily recommendation can be harmful and potentially become verydangerous for your child.
When your child reaches the age of about 2 (and older) and iseating solid foods from all food groups, vitamin supplementsare usually not necessary. Try and provide the adequate amountof vitamins and minerals to your children through the foodsthey eat regularly. Sometimes this can be an impossible taskand if you think your child is lacking the sufficient amountsof vitamins, the best thing to do is to contact their doctorwho will recommend whether or not vitamin supplements arenecessary. It is important to remember that vitamin supplementsare meant to accompany food and are in no way meant as areplacement for a healthy diet.
Health-related information changes frequently, and while everyattempt has been made to ensure the content in this article isup to date and accurate, you should always check with a doctoror nutritional expert before undertaking any substantial changein diet or lifestyle.
About the Author: Jeff Matson is an avid health enthusiast whoowned and operated his own natural health food store. Nowretired, Jeff spends his time keeping fit, walking marathonsand writing articles as a contributing editor for
Monday, December 04, 2006
Vitamin Supplement
The Antioxidant Vitamins
By Din Lubis
The antioxidant vitamins perform many essential tasks within the body. In recent years, a great deal of research has been done concerning the abilities of the antioxidant vitamins to prevent certain diseases, ranging from cancer to heart ailments. Many studies have shown promising results, and researchers continue their efforts at determining all of the ways that these powerful antioxidant vitamins protect our health and well being.
One of the many important tasks that antioxidant vitamins perform is that of bringing free radicals under control. A free radical is an unstable molecule, operating within the much larger context of a cell. What makes it unstable is that it is lacking an electron. Electrons are a part of the system that enables chemical reactions within the body. Chemical and electrical actions and reactions are the base of all operations of the body.
The free radical lacks an electron because it is the result of the splitting of a structure weakened by either one of the body’s natural metabolizing processes or by some external contaminant, such as pollution or cigarette smoke. The free radical attacks other molecules, seeking its missing part, which leads to its molecule victim becoming a free radical as well. When enough free radicals accumulate with a cell, the cell can be damaged, or worse.
Antioxidant vitamins have the power to bring these free radicals under control. They do this by meeting the free radicals’ most basic needs, by giving them the electrons they need to be stable. Thus, the antioxidant vitamins remove the free radicals’ motive for aggression and crime -- their motive to attack other molecules to steal their electrons, thereby creating still more free radicals -- and bring an end to the free radical crime wave that threatened the very existence of their world and restore social order and peace to their world, the cell, and perhaps even to their universe, the body.
The primary antioxidant vitamins are Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and Vitamin A. They do not become free radical themselves when they give an electron to the unstable molecule, because they have the special capacity to remain stable with or without the electron. It is through this interaction with the free radicals that the antioxidant vitamins are able to assist in the prevention of damage to tissues and cells that could lead to disease.
Numerous studies have found that the antioxidant vitamins may offer protection against a variety of cancers. Other studies have associated antioxidant vitamins with helping to lower blood pressure. Controlling free radicals, as the antioxidant vitamins do, is thought to be an important part of defending the body and the mind against the effects of aging.
In addition to continuous studies concerning antioxidant vitamins potential in preventing cancers, heart disease, and diabetes related conditions, researchers are also paying close attention to the possibilities antioxidant vitamins may hold for Alzheimer's disease.
Vitamin supplements offer a safe and convenient means of meeting the suggested daily intake requirements of these powerful antioxidant vitamins, provided that the standard dosage recommendations are followed.
The chemical balance that allows the body to operate at peak performance can be seriously disrupted by taking too much of any supplement. A licensed nutritionist or your health care provider can best advise you on the dosage most suitable to your individual dietary needs and health goals.
By Din Lubis
The antioxidant vitamins perform many essential tasks within the body. In recent years, a great deal of research has been done concerning the abilities of the antioxidant vitamins to prevent certain diseases, ranging from cancer to heart ailments. Many studies have shown promising results, and researchers continue their efforts at determining all of the ways that these powerful antioxidant vitamins protect our health and well being.
One of the many important tasks that antioxidant vitamins perform is that of bringing free radicals under control. A free radical is an unstable molecule, operating within the much larger context of a cell. What makes it unstable is that it is lacking an electron. Electrons are a part of the system that enables chemical reactions within the body. Chemical and electrical actions and reactions are the base of all operations of the body.
The free radical lacks an electron because it is the result of the splitting of a structure weakened by either one of the body’s natural metabolizing processes or by some external contaminant, such as pollution or cigarette smoke. The free radical attacks other molecules, seeking its missing part, which leads to its molecule victim becoming a free radical as well. When enough free radicals accumulate with a cell, the cell can be damaged, or worse.
Antioxidant vitamins have the power to bring these free radicals under control. They do this by meeting the free radicals’ most basic needs, by giving them the electrons they need to be stable. Thus, the antioxidant vitamins remove the free radicals’ motive for aggression and crime -- their motive to attack other molecules to steal their electrons, thereby creating still more free radicals -- and bring an end to the free radical crime wave that threatened the very existence of their world and restore social order and peace to their world, the cell, and perhaps even to their universe, the body.
The primary antioxidant vitamins are Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and Vitamin A. They do not become free radical themselves when they give an electron to the unstable molecule, because they have the special capacity to remain stable with or without the electron. It is through this interaction with the free radicals that the antioxidant vitamins are able to assist in the prevention of damage to tissues and cells that could lead to disease.
Numerous studies have found that the antioxidant vitamins may offer protection against a variety of cancers. Other studies have associated antioxidant vitamins with helping to lower blood pressure. Controlling free radicals, as the antioxidant vitamins do, is thought to be an important part of defending the body and the mind against the effects of aging.
In addition to continuous studies concerning antioxidant vitamins potential in preventing cancers, heart disease, and diabetes related conditions, researchers are also paying close attention to the possibilities antioxidant vitamins may hold for Alzheimer's disease.
Vitamin supplements offer a safe and convenient means of meeting the suggested daily intake requirements of these powerful antioxidant vitamins, provided that the standard dosage recommendations are followed.
The chemical balance that allows the body to operate at peak performance can be seriously disrupted by taking too much of any supplement. A licensed nutritionist or your health care provider can best advise you on the dosage most suitable to your individual dietary needs and health goals.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Vitamin C - What You DON'T Know
by R.Edward Jones
The real facts about benefits of Vitamin C may surprise you. First of all what is Vitamin C? Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin. Unlike the oil soluble vitamins such as A and E, Vitamin C cannot be stored by your body. Since Vitamin C is not stored by your body, we need to get it from our diet or from supplements.
But Can't Our Bodies Just Make Vitamin C?
Great question! Most animals have the ability to make their own Vitamin C. And make it they do... lots of it. It is estimated that if we had the ability to make our own Vitamin C we would make between 3000 an 10,000 mg every day... and 3 to 4 times that amount if we were being stressed by infection.
Unfortunately, humans along with guinea pigs, fruit bats and gorillas are the only mammals that need to ingest our daily dose of Vitamin C. The only vitamin we humans have the ability to make is Vitamin D... and we need the sunshine to help us do that.
Some very exciting facts about Vitamin C have sprung up within the last few years. First off, Vitamin C along with Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), have been called the most essential of the "essential nutrients." That is, without an adequate supply of these two, you die. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but certainly years sooner than the folks with optimal levels of both in their bodies.
Arrrrr!!! Shiver Me Timbers!
Remember the stories about the sailors of old and the disease they contracted during long voyages called scurvy? Scurvy was nothing more than not having enough Vitamin C in their bodies. Without an adequate supply of Vitamin C, the blood vessels did not have enough collagen to repair themselves. Some of these sailors literally bled to death through cracks in their blood vessel walls.
Fortunately, in 1747 a Scottish doctor got a clue about Vitamin c and linked citrus fruits with a decreased incidence of Scurvy. Towards the end of that century, the Brits began sending along lime juice with their sailors on long voyages. Now you know why British sailors are called "limeys."
Facts About Vitamin C and its Antioxidant Properties
If you've read the section of my site on the facts about Vitamin E, you've no doubt read about what an antioxidant does. If not we can review quickly.
The cells of your body are under a lot of stress... oxidative stress. Oxidative stress occurs when highly unstable molecules called free radicals roam freely throughout your body.
Free radicals are a by-product of not only the normal metabolic processes of your cells but also your environment... things such as air pollution, sun exposure, industrial chemical exposure, ozone, nitrous oxide (from auto exhaust), cigarette smoke, alcohol consumption and so on.
Free radicals damage cell membranes and DNA and can result in changes to your cells that cause life threatening chronic diseases down the road. When your cells are being damaged by these free radicals, we say your cells are experiencing oxidative stress... and one of the facts about Vitamin C is that it is an antioxidant and can significantly neutralize the free radicals and the damage to your cells that cause oxidative stress.
Facts about Vitamin C and Heart Disease
One of the facts about Vitamin C that we feel is most significant is the role Vitamin C plays in the production of collagen.
Collagen is a protein. It is the connective tissue that holds our bodies together and keeps us from falling apart. Collagen is found in your skin, bones, ligaments, tendons, liver, cartilage, bone marrow and blood vessels.
Collagen is essential for the repair of our bodies. Without collagen our bodies don't heal. And without Vitamin C we don't make collagen.
What Does Collagen Production Have to Do With Heart Disease?
Remember the facts about Vitamin C above and the sailors with scurvy? They weren't getting any Vitamin C. So when their blood vessels cracked, no collagen was being produced to repair the cracks.
Why do your blood vessels crack in the first place? Well consider this. Your heart beats about 4000 times every hour. That's 96,000 times a day and 35,040,000 times every year (yes that's million)! The blood vessels of your heart are being squeezed and released that many times as well.
Imagine you were to run over a garden hose laying in your driveway that many times. Do you think it might soon develop some cracks?
Although your body has a difficult time repairing those cracks in the complete absence of Vitamin C (and hence scurvy), most folks in the developed world get just enough Vitamin C to keep scurvy at bay... but not much more.
Problem is, as this sub-optimal amount of Vitamin C in their body is repairing with collagen, it's not quite enough. Your liver then determines that the repairs are not being made quick enough and sets about to produce a special form of LDL called lipoprotein-a.
Lipoprotein-a is very sticky and acts as a putty to fill in the cracks that the lack of collagen left behind. Great right? Leak stopped.
Well the leak is stopped yes, but being as sticky as it is, lipoprotein-a catches and glues down all the other LDL (bad cholesterol) that floats by. This action results in plaque build-up inside the vessel walls and can eventually close off these blood vessels... and we all know what that means!
Facts about Vitamin C and Cholesterol
Can Vitamin C lower cholesterol? A relationship has been shown experimentally between high levels of Vitamin C and low levels of cholesterol. An article appearing in the National Library of Medicine shows that Vitamin C provides the same mechanism for inhibiting the production of cholesterol as do cholesterol lowering statin drugs.
The American Heart Association also reported that Vitamin C lowered LDL cholesterol in children who were predisposed to high cholesterol.
The facts about Vitamin C also show that Vitamin C lowers cholesterol without the dangerous side effects of these statin drugs. Statin drugs have been shown to inhibit the production of another essential nutrient called Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). Decreased levels of CoQ10 result in significant muscle myopathy (wasting away). And since the heart is a muscle, statin drugs have been linked to Congestive Heart Failure (CHF).
More Facts about Vitamin C
Vitamin C has been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of Alzheimer's when taken with Vitamin E and cut your chances of having a stroke.
Why is that? Remember the facts about Vitamin C above as an antioxidant? Well, most researchers agree that Vitamin C's powerful antioxidant properties are responsible. By neutralizing the cell damaging effects of those free radicals running around in your body, Vitamin C works to keep your cells healthy and free of damage. And if your cells are healthy, you are healthy!
Vitamin C is also known to protect the immune system. Vitamin C aids in the manufacture of white blood cells. White blood cells destroy viruses and bacteria.
Also remember the facts about Vitamin C as aiding in the manufacture of collagen? Well collagen being the connective tissue that holds our skin together, our skin is what keeps pathogens out in the first place.
Yeah, But I Drink My Glass of Orange Juice Everyday... Well Almost
What are the facts about Vitamin C concerning the amount you should take? Well who do you want to believe? The official U.S. Government RDA for Vitamin C is 60 to 90 mg. Some would argue that this level does nothing more than ward off scurvy. They would also argue that these levels do nothing to prevent chronic, long term, debilitating diseases.
An article in the American Journal for Clinical Nutrition reports on a study done on antioxidant vitamins and coronary heart disease risk. The study looked at 9 other studies which included participation by Harvard School of Public Health and Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Conclusions: "The results suggest a reduced incidence of major CHD (coronary heart disease) events at high supplemental vitamin C intakes."
How high was the daily Vitamin C intake of the 293,172 patients during this ten year study? Above 700 mg!
Ok, But Is Vitamin C Safe?
In an article titled "Vitamins E and C Are Safe Across a Broad Range of Intakes" published in THE AMERICAN JOURNAL of CLINICAL NUTRITION, a large study concluded that Vitamin C supplements of up to 2000 mg per day were safe for most adults. Exceeding that limit could result in gastrointestinal upset or mild diarrhea.
You can learn much more about the remarkable facts on Vitamin C at
There is much more to learn about the
l">benefits of Vitamin C at
Article Source:
by R.Edward Jones
The real facts about benefits of Vitamin C may surprise you. First of all what is Vitamin C? Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin. Unlike the oil soluble vitamins such as A and E, Vitamin C cannot be stored by your body. Since Vitamin C is not stored by your body, we need to get it from our diet or from supplements.
But Can't Our Bodies Just Make Vitamin C?
Great question! Most animals have the ability to make their own Vitamin C. And make it they do... lots of it. It is estimated that if we had the ability to make our own Vitamin C we would make between 3000 an 10,000 mg every day... and 3 to 4 times that amount if we were being stressed by infection.
Unfortunately, humans along with guinea pigs, fruit bats and gorillas are the only mammals that need to ingest our daily dose of Vitamin C. The only vitamin we humans have the ability to make is Vitamin D... and we need the sunshine to help us do that.
Some very exciting facts about Vitamin C have sprung up within the last few years. First off, Vitamin C along with Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), have been called the most essential of the "essential nutrients." That is, without an adequate supply of these two, you die. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but certainly years sooner than the folks with optimal levels of both in their bodies.
Arrrrr!!! Shiver Me Timbers!
Remember the stories about the sailors of old and the disease they contracted during long voyages called scurvy? Scurvy was nothing more than not having enough Vitamin C in their bodies. Without an adequate supply of Vitamin C, the blood vessels did not have enough collagen to repair themselves. Some of these sailors literally bled to death through cracks in their blood vessel walls.
Fortunately, in 1747 a Scottish doctor got a clue about Vitamin c and linked citrus fruits with a decreased incidence of Scurvy. Towards the end of that century, the Brits began sending along lime juice with their sailors on long voyages. Now you know why British sailors are called "limeys."
Facts About Vitamin C and its Antioxidant Properties
If you've read the section of my site on the facts about Vitamin E, you've no doubt read about what an antioxidant does. If not we can review quickly.
The cells of your body are under a lot of stress... oxidative stress. Oxidative stress occurs when highly unstable molecules called free radicals roam freely throughout your body.
Free radicals are a by-product of not only the normal metabolic processes of your cells but also your environment... things such as air pollution, sun exposure, industrial chemical exposure, ozone, nitrous oxide (from auto exhaust), cigarette smoke, alcohol consumption and so on.
Free radicals damage cell membranes and DNA and can result in changes to your cells that cause life threatening chronic diseases down the road. When your cells are being damaged by these free radicals, we say your cells are experiencing oxidative stress... and one of the facts about Vitamin C is that it is an antioxidant and can significantly neutralize the free radicals and the damage to your cells that cause oxidative stress.
Facts about Vitamin C and Heart Disease
One of the facts about Vitamin C that we feel is most significant is the role Vitamin C plays in the production of collagen.
Collagen is a protein. It is the connective tissue that holds our bodies together and keeps us from falling apart. Collagen is found in your skin, bones, ligaments, tendons, liver, cartilage, bone marrow and blood vessels.
Collagen is essential for the repair of our bodies. Without collagen our bodies don't heal. And without Vitamin C we don't make collagen.
What Does Collagen Production Have to Do With Heart Disease?
Remember the facts about Vitamin C above and the sailors with scurvy? They weren't getting any Vitamin C. So when their blood vessels cracked, no collagen was being produced to repair the cracks.
Why do your blood vessels crack in the first place? Well consider this. Your heart beats about 4000 times every hour. That's 96,000 times a day and 35,040,000 times every year (yes that's million)! The blood vessels of your heart are being squeezed and released that many times as well.
Imagine you were to run over a garden hose laying in your driveway that many times. Do you think it might soon develop some cracks?
Although your body has a difficult time repairing those cracks in the complete absence of Vitamin C (and hence scurvy), most folks in the developed world get just enough Vitamin C to keep scurvy at bay... but not much more.
Problem is, as this sub-optimal amount of Vitamin C in their body is repairing with collagen, it's not quite enough. Your liver then determines that the repairs are not being made quick enough and sets about to produce a special form of LDL called lipoprotein-a.
Lipoprotein-a is very sticky and acts as a putty to fill in the cracks that the lack of collagen left behind. Great right? Leak stopped.
Well the leak is stopped yes, but being as sticky as it is, lipoprotein-a catches and glues down all the other LDL (bad cholesterol) that floats by. This action results in plaque build-up inside the vessel walls and can eventually close off these blood vessels... and we all know what that means!
Facts about Vitamin C and Cholesterol
Can Vitamin C lower cholesterol? A relationship has been shown experimentally between high levels of Vitamin C and low levels of cholesterol. An article appearing in the National Library of Medicine shows that Vitamin C provides the same mechanism for inhibiting the production of cholesterol as do cholesterol lowering statin drugs.
The American Heart Association also reported that Vitamin C lowered LDL cholesterol in children who were predisposed to high cholesterol.
The facts about Vitamin C also show that Vitamin C lowers cholesterol without the dangerous side effects of these statin drugs. Statin drugs have been shown to inhibit the production of another essential nutrient called Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). Decreased levels of CoQ10 result in significant muscle myopathy (wasting away). And since the heart is a muscle, statin drugs have been linked to Congestive Heart Failure (CHF).
More Facts about Vitamin C
Vitamin C has been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of Alzheimer's when taken with Vitamin E and cut your chances of having a stroke.
Why is that? Remember the facts about Vitamin C above as an antioxidant? Well, most researchers agree that Vitamin C's powerful antioxidant properties are responsible. By neutralizing the cell damaging effects of those free radicals running around in your body, Vitamin C works to keep your cells healthy and free of damage. And if your cells are healthy, you are healthy!
Vitamin C is also known to protect the immune system. Vitamin C aids in the manufacture of white blood cells. White blood cells destroy viruses and bacteria.
Also remember the facts about Vitamin C as aiding in the manufacture of collagen? Well collagen being the connective tissue that holds our skin together, our skin is what keeps pathogens out in the first place.
Yeah, But I Drink My Glass of Orange Juice Everyday... Well Almost
What are the facts about Vitamin C concerning the amount you should take? Well who do you want to believe? The official U.S. Government RDA for Vitamin C is 60 to 90 mg. Some would argue that this level does nothing more than ward off scurvy. They would also argue that these levels do nothing to prevent chronic, long term, debilitating diseases.
An article in the American Journal for Clinical Nutrition reports on a study done on antioxidant vitamins and coronary heart disease risk. The study looked at 9 other studies which included participation by Harvard School of Public Health and Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Conclusions: "The results suggest a reduced incidence of major CHD (coronary heart disease) events at high supplemental vitamin C intakes."
How high was the daily Vitamin C intake of the 293,172 patients during this ten year study? Above 700 mg!
Ok, But Is Vitamin C Safe?
In an article titled "Vitamins E and C Are Safe Across a Broad Range of Intakes" published in THE AMERICAN JOURNAL of CLINICAL NUTRITION, a large study concluded that Vitamin C supplements of up to 2000 mg per day were safe for most adults. Exceeding that limit could result in gastrointestinal upset or mild diarrhea.
You can learn much more about the remarkable facts on Vitamin C at
There is much more to learn about the
l">benefits of Vitamin C at
Article Source:
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Vitamin C: Get Some Every Day
by Linda Polansky
There is a lot of information out there these days about different vitamins and minerals. You may wonder what is most important and you may be afraid of using supplements and getting too much of some vitamins. Vitamin C is one of the less complicated vitamins both in terms of what it does and how to get it.
Vitamin C is water soluble. This means that your body doesn’t store it for later. That’s why sailors in the old days used to get scurvy, a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency. The best sources of vitamin C are types of produce like citrus and berries that don’t travel well and weren’t part of a regular diet at sea. Sailors didn’t have vitamin C supplements then, either, so their bodies would run out of vitamin C quickly and they would develop scurvy, marked by things like dry hair and skin, bleeding gums, and frequent nosebleeds. Scurvy is pretty rare these days, especially in the United States, but it is still important to make sure you get enough vitamin C every day. Because it is water soluble, your body gets rid of whatever you don’t need that day when you urinate, so that also means it’s very difficult to get too much, and if you do, it isn’t toxic, but it will give you a stomach ache or diarrhea.
What does vitamin C do for you? For starters, it is an antioxidant, which have been in the news a lot recently. When our bodies break down food and convert it to energy, they produce free radicals, which cause minor damage and are a large cause of the effects of aging on the body. Antioxidants help minimize this damage and therefore, slow down the aging process. Vitamin C helps keep our skin, teeth, and bones healthy, as well as helping us recover from wounds. It can also help us resist the negative effects of chemicals and pollutants.
In addition to vitamin C supplements, vitamin C can be found in some amount in all fruits and vegetables. Along with the citrus and berries mentioned earlier, green peppers, broccoli and leafy greens are also excellent sources of high amounts of vitamin C.
The US Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of vitamin C for men (over 18) is 90 mg per day, while for women it is 75 mg per day. The recommended allowances for children start at 30 mg and increase with age; ask your pediatrician for guidance.
Linda Polansky writes about Vitamin C,Best health vitamins
Article Directory:
by Linda Polansky
There is a lot of information out there these days about different vitamins and minerals. You may wonder what is most important and you may be afraid of using supplements and getting too much of some vitamins. Vitamin C is one of the less complicated vitamins both in terms of what it does and how to get it.
Vitamin C is water soluble. This means that your body doesn’t store it for later. That’s why sailors in the old days used to get scurvy, a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency. The best sources of vitamin C are types of produce like citrus and berries that don’t travel well and weren’t part of a regular diet at sea. Sailors didn’t have vitamin C supplements then, either, so their bodies would run out of vitamin C quickly and they would develop scurvy, marked by things like dry hair and skin, bleeding gums, and frequent nosebleeds. Scurvy is pretty rare these days, especially in the United States, but it is still important to make sure you get enough vitamin C every day. Because it is water soluble, your body gets rid of whatever you don’t need that day when you urinate, so that also means it’s very difficult to get too much, and if you do, it isn’t toxic, but it will give you a stomach ache or diarrhea.
What does vitamin C do for you? For starters, it is an antioxidant, which have been in the news a lot recently. When our bodies break down food and convert it to energy, they produce free radicals, which cause minor damage and are a large cause of the effects of aging on the body. Antioxidants help minimize this damage and therefore, slow down the aging process. Vitamin C helps keep our skin, teeth, and bones healthy, as well as helping us recover from wounds. It can also help us resist the negative effects of chemicals and pollutants.
In addition to vitamin C supplements, vitamin C can be found in some amount in all fruits and vegetables. Along with the citrus and berries mentioned earlier, green peppers, broccoli and leafy greens are also excellent sources of high amounts of vitamin C.
The US Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of vitamin C for men (over 18) is 90 mg per day, while for women it is 75 mg per day. The recommended allowances for children start at 30 mg and increase with age; ask your pediatrician for guidance.
Linda Polansky writes about Vitamin C,Best health vitamins
Article Directory:
Monday, November 13, 2006
Vitamin C -- The Most Famous Of Vitamins!
By David Leonhardt
We call Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, "the mostfamous of vitamins" because it really is the best known. It isthe first one schoolchildren learn. It is the most cited curefor the common cold. Most people can rhyme off at least a fewfoods that contain vitamin C. And vitamin C is the single mostsearched nutrient on the Internet.
HISTORY: Nobel Prize winning biochemist Dr. AlbertSzent-Gyorgyi first isolated vitamin C in 1928. (As someone ofHungarian descent, I find this a touch exciting.)
Vitamin C first got its reputation for beating the common coldin 1970, when fellow Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling publishedhis bestselling book "Vitamin C and the Common Cold". In it, hesuggested that taking vitamin C at levels well above the USARDA (now 60 milligrams per day) could strengthen the immunesystem and help ward off the common cold.
BENEFITS: Vitamin C helps form collagen, a glue-like fibrousprotein in bone, cartilage, tendons and other connectivetissue. Vitamin C helps give structure and maintain such bodyparts as bones, cartilage, muscle, veins, capillaries andteeth.
But recent studies have also linked "adequate dosages" ofvitamin C to preventing a number of common cancers, of helpingboost the nervous system, of prolonging life, of reducing therisk of heart disease, of softening the symptoms of respiratorydiseases such as asthma and cystic fibrosis, and of keeping skinand glands healthy.
SOURCES: Most animals manufacture their own vitamin C.Primates, such as humans, gorillas, and monkeys, have somehowlost this ability.
Which is why we need to get our vitamin C from our diets.
It is well known that citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons,grapefruits, tangerines, limes, mandarins and others containvitamin C.
In fact, vitamin C comes almost exclusively from fruits andvegetables. Other good sources are tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries,broccoli, asparagus, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage,peas, rutabagas, cantaloupe, kiwi, papayas, potatoes andwatermelon.
One place that is NOT a good source are vitamin C pills, whichthe body just cannot absorb properly. This is a water solublevitamin best taken in its natural juice or in a liquidsupplement.
OPTIMUM USAGE: Fortunately, if you consume too much of a watersoluble vitamin, your body will get rid of excess. It alsomeans that your body does not store it for long periods oftime. You can't "stock up" on it, and you can reach asaturation point quickly; you need vitamin C several times aday.
Being a water-soluble vitamin, you lose it when you boil foods.For instance, if you boil your broccoli, you will lose thevitamin C. However, if you boil your broccoli in a soup, youwill get the broccoli's vitamin C in the broth.
Do not soak or store fruits or vegetables in water, for you canlose the vitamin C that way. In short, the fresher cut the fruitor vegetable, and the less cooked, the more vitamin C you willget. Like all vitamins and minerals, Vitamin C is most effectivewhen combined with other nutrients. For example, one of the bigbenefits of vitamin C is that it helps the body digest andabsorb iron, an essential mineral for good health.
It has also been found that vitamin C and E work together tohelp stave off Alzheimer's disease.
This is one of the reasons it is so important to take vitaminsupplements that contain as many different nutrients aspossible, so the body can absorb them together and enjoy themaximum benefits from each one.
DOSAGE: Most experts agree that the US RDA is only a fractionof what it should be, and that daily vitamin C levels up to1,000 or even 2,000 milligrams per day are safe and healthy.
Essential Nectar contains 250% of the US RDA, mixing it with233 other natural, plant-based nutrients...making it a goodvitamin C supplement for your diet.
About the Author: David Leonhardt runs The Liquid VitaminSupplements Store: http://www.vitamin-supplements-store.netLearn more about vitamin C: read up on other nutrition information:
By David Leonhardt
We call Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, "the mostfamous of vitamins" because it really is the best known. It isthe first one schoolchildren learn. It is the most cited curefor the common cold. Most people can rhyme off at least a fewfoods that contain vitamin C. And vitamin C is the single mostsearched nutrient on the Internet.
HISTORY: Nobel Prize winning biochemist Dr. AlbertSzent-Gyorgyi first isolated vitamin C in 1928. (As someone ofHungarian descent, I find this a touch exciting.)
Vitamin C first got its reputation for beating the common coldin 1970, when fellow Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling publishedhis bestselling book "Vitamin C and the Common Cold". In it, hesuggested that taking vitamin C at levels well above the USARDA (now 60 milligrams per day) could strengthen the immunesystem and help ward off the common cold.
BENEFITS: Vitamin C helps form collagen, a glue-like fibrousprotein in bone, cartilage, tendons and other connectivetissue. Vitamin C helps give structure and maintain such bodyparts as bones, cartilage, muscle, veins, capillaries andteeth.
But recent studies have also linked "adequate dosages" ofvitamin C to preventing a number of common cancers, of helpingboost the nervous system, of prolonging life, of reducing therisk of heart disease, of softening the symptoms of respiratorydiseases such as asthma and cystic fibrosis, and of keeping skinand glands healthy.
SOURCES: Most animals manufacture their own vitamin C.Primates, such as humans, gorillas, and monkeys, have somehowlost this ability.
Which is why we need to get our vitamin C from our diets.
It is well known that citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons,grapefruits, tangerines, limes, mandarins and others containvitamin C.
In fact, vitamin C comes almost exclusively from fruits andvegetables. Other good sources are tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries,broccoli, asparagus, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage,peas, rutabagas, cantaloupe, kiwi, papayas, potatoes andwatermelon.
One place that is NOT a good source are vitamin C pills, whichthe body just cannot absorb properly. This is a water solublevitamin best taken in its natural juice or in a liquidsupplement.
OPTIMUM USAGE: Fortunately, if you consume too much of a watersoluble vitamin, your body will get rid of excess. It alsomeans that your body does not store it for long periods oftime. You can't "stock up" on it, and you can reach asaturation point quickly; you need vitamin C several times aday.
Being a water-soluble vitamin, you lose it when you boil foods.For instance, if you boil your broccoli, you will lose thevitamin C. However, if you boil your broccoli in a soup, youwill get the broccoli's vitamin C in the broth.
Do not soak or store fruits or vegetables in water, for you canlose the vitamin C that way. In short, the fresher cut the fruitor vegetable, and the less cooked, the more vitamin C you willget. Like all vitamins and minerals, Vitamin C is most effectivewhen combined with other nutrients. For example, one of the bigbenefits of vitamin C is that it helps the body digest andabsorb iron, an essential mineral for good health.
It has also been found that vitamin C and E work together tohelp stave off Alzheimer's disease.
This is one of the reasons it is so important to take vitaminsupplements that contain as many different nutrients aspossible, so the body can absorb them together and enjoy themaximum benefits from each one.
DOSAGE: Most experts agree that the US RDA is only a fractionof what it should be, and that daily vitamin C levels up to1,000 or even 2,000 milligrams per day are safe and healthy.
Essential Nectar contains 250% of the US RDA, mixing it with233 other natural, plant-based nutrients...making it a goodvitamin C supplement for your diet.
About the Author: David Leonhardt runs The Liquid VitaminSupplements Store: http://www.vitamin-supplements-store.netLearn more about vitamin C: read up on other nutrition information:
Vitamin Supplement
The Antioxidant Vitamins
By Din Lubis
The antioxidant vitamins perform many essential tasks within the body. In recent years, a great deal of research has been done concerning the abilities of the antioxidant vitamins to prevent certain diseases, ranging from cancer to heart ailments. Many studies have shown promising results, and researchers continue their efforts at determining all of the ways that these powerful antioxidant vitamins protect our health and well being.
One of the many important tasks that antioxidant vitamins perform is that of bringing free radicals under control. A free radical is an unstable molecule, operating within the much larger context of a cell. What makes it unstable is that it is lacking an electron. Electrons are a part of the system that enables chemical reactions within the body. Chemical and electrical actions and reactions are the base of all operations of the body.
The free radical lacks an electron because it is the result of the splitting of a structure weakened by either one of the body’s natural metabolizing processes or by some external contaminant, such as pollution or cigarette smoke. The free radical attacks other molecules, seeking its missing part, which leads to its molecule victim becoming a free radical as well. When enough free radicals accumulate with a cell, the cell can be damaged, or worse.
Antioxidant vitamins have the power to bring these free radicals under control. They do this by meeting the free radicals’ most basic needs, by giving them the electrons they need to be stable. Thus, the antioxidant vitamins remove the free radicals’ motive for aggression and crime -- their motive to attack other molecules to steal their electrons, thereby creating still more free radicals -- and bring an end to the free radical crime wave that threatened the very existence of their world and restore social order and peace to their world, the cell, and perhaps even to their universe, the body.
The primary antioxidant vitamins are Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and Vitamin A. They do not become free radical themselves when they give an electron to the unstable molecule, because they have the special capacity to remain stable with or without the electron. It is through this interaction with the free radicals that the antioxidant vitamins are able to assist in the prevention of damage to tissues and cells that could lead to disease.
Numerous studies have found that the antioxidant vitamins may offer protection against a variety of cancers. Other studies have associated antioxidant vitamins with helping to lower blood pressure. Controlling free radicals, as the antioxidant vitamins do, is thought to be an important part of defending the body and the mind against the effects of aging.
In addition to continuous studies concerning antioxidant vitamins potential in preventing cancers, heart disease, and diabetes related conditions, researchers are also paying close attention to the possibilities antioxidant vitamins may hold for Alzheimer's disease.
Vitamin supplements offer a safe and convenient means of meeting the suggested daily intake requirements of these powerful antioxidant vitamins, provided that the standard dosage recommendations are followed.
The chemical balance that allows the body to operate at peak performance can be seriously disrupted by taking too much of any supplement. A licensed nutritionist or your health care provider can best advise you on the dosage most suitable to your individual dietary needs and health goals.
By Din Lubis
The antioxidant vitamins perform many essential tasks within the body. In recent years, a great deal of research has been done concerning the abilities of the antioxidant vitamins to prevent certain diseases, ranging from cancer to heart ailments. Many studies have shown promising results, and researchers continue their efforts at determining all of the ways that these powerful antioxidant vitamins protect our health and well being.
One of the many important tasks that antioxidant vitamins perform is that of bringing free radicals under control. A free radical is an unstable molecule, operating within the much larger context of a cell. What makes it unstable is that it is lacking an electron. Electrons are a part of the system that enables chemical reactions within the body. Chemical and electrical actions and reactions are the base of all operations of the body.
The free radical lacks an electron because it is the result of the splitting of a structure weakened by either one of the body’s natural metabolizing processes or by some external contaminant, such as pollution or cigarette smoke. The free radical attacks other molecules, seeking its missing part, which leads to its molecule victim becoming a free radical as well. When enough free radicals accumulate with a cell, the cell can be damaged, or worse.
Antioxidant vitamins have the power to bring these free radicals under control. They do this by meeting the free radicals’ most basic needs, by giving them the electrons they need to be stable. Thus, the antioxidant vitamins remove the free radicals’ motive for aggression and crime -- their motive to attack other molecules to steal their electrons, thereby creating still more free radicals -- and bring an end to the free radical crime wave that threatened the very existence of their world and restore social order and peace to their world, the cell, and perhaps even to their universe, the body.
The primary antioxidant vitamins are Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and Vitamin A. They do not become free radical themselves when they give an electron to the unstable molecule, because they have the special capacity to remain stable with or without the electron. It is through this interaction with the free radicals that the antioxidant vitamins are able to assist in the prevention of damage to tissues and cells that could lead to disease.
Numerous studies have found that the antioxidant vitamins may offer protection against a variety of cancers. Other studies have associated antioxidant vitamins with helping to lower blood pressure. Controlling free radicals, as the antioxidant vitamins do, is thought to be an important part of defending the body and the mind against the effects of aging.
In addition to continuous studies concerning antioxidant vitamins potential in preventing cancers, heart disease, and diabetes related conditions, researchers are also paying close attention to the possibilities antioxidant vitamins may hold for Alzheimer's disease.
Vitamin supplements offer a safe and convenient means of meeting the suggested daily intake requirements of these powerful antioxidant vitamins, provided that the standard dosage recommendations are followed.
The chemical balance that allows the body to operate at peak performance can be seriously disrupted by taking too much of any supplement. A licensed nutritionist or your health care provider can best advise you on the dosage most suitable to your individual dietary needs and health goals.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Why Vitamin C Is Important
By Din Lubis
There’s been a great deal of research concerning the many ways in which Vitamin C is beneficial to health. Also known as ascorbic acid, this nutrient serves the body in a variety of ways. In addition to the long established means of helping to maintain health, there’s a great deal of research indicating its value in helping the body overcome serious illness and disease. Some studies indicate a good potential for the possibility that Vitamin C can even help prevent some diseases.
What we definitely know about vitamin C is that it is an essential part of the creation of collagen in the body. Collagen is particularly import to the connective tissues of the body and is the scar of healed wounds is made of.
We also know that it helps to keep the gums healthy and the teeth tight. It also promotes healthy cell growth and development, as well as helps the body to use the iron and calcium it takes in.An important role of vitamin C plays in the healing of wounds and the rebuilding of tissues, helps to keep tiny capillaries functioning the way that they should, and also serves to prevent dangerous blood clots.
From the many scientific studies through the years, Vitamin C has come to be associated with many other health benefits. These include such things as strengthening the body’s immune system, helping to fight infection, playing a role in the reduction of cholesterol and high blood pressure, and having a part in the prevention of arteriosclerosis.
Furthermore, Vitamin C has been associated with helping to prevent cataracts, cardiovascular diseases and even certain types of cancer. Research continues into these intriguing areas of study.
A lack of Vitamin C has been known for many years to be the cause of the disease scurvy. Early signs of scurvy include red bumps around hair follicles, easy bruising, joint pain and a general feeling of weakness and fatigue. As the disease progresses, small open sores begin to appear on the body and in the mouth. The teeth loosen and gum tissue bleeds. Other ways in which a deficiency of Vitamin C can affect the health of the body include poor digestion, water retention, frequent colds, and low energy levels.
While the minimum standard of Vitamin C daily intake is 60 micrograms or mg, most recommend consuming significantly more than that. The minimum requirement offers protection against the worst symptoms of Vitamin C deficiency, with most of the positive effects coming from intake levels of 200 to 500 mgs daily. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin and thus, passes out of the body with urine. That means it must be replaced daily.
Many people find that using Vitamin C supplements is a safe and convenient means of making sure that the daily Vitamin C intake goals are met. Your desired daily intake of Vitamin C will depend of what you are hoping to achieve with your intake, i.e. helping to reduce cholesterol or high blood pressure, helping in collagen production, or building up your immune system. Seeing your health care professional is a good way to determine the best and most beneficial daily intake level for you.
By Din Lubis
There’s been a great deal of research concerning the many ways in which Vitamin C is beneficial to health. Also known as ascorbic acid, this nutrient serves the body in a variety of ways. In addition to the long established means of helping to maintain health, there’s a great deal of research indicating its value in helping the body overcome serious illness and disease. Some studies indicate a good potential for the possibility that Vitamin C can even help prevent some diseases.
What we definitely know about vitamin C is that it is an essential part of the creation of collagen in the body. Collagen is particularly import to the connective tissues of the body and is the scar of healed wounds is made of.
We also know that it helps to keep the gums healthy and the teeth tight. It also promotes healthy cell growth and development, as well as helps the body to use the iron and calcium it takes in.An important role of vitamin C plays in the healing of wounds and the rebuilding of tissues, helps to keep tiny capillaries functioning the way that they should, and also serves to prevent dangerous blood clots.
From the many scientific studies through the years, Vitamin C has come to be associated with many other health benefits. These include such things as strengthening the body’s immune system, helping to fight infection, playing a role in the reduction of cholesterol and high blood pressure, and having a part in the prevention of arteriosclerosis.
Furthermore, Vitamin C has been associated with helping to prevent cataracts, cardiovascular diseases and even certain types of cancer. Research continues into these intriguing areas of study.
A lack of Vitamin C has been known for many years to be the cause of the disease scurvy. Early signs of scurvy include red bumps around hair follicles, easy bruising, joint pain and a general feeling of weakness and fatigue. As the disease progresses, small open sores begin to appear on the body and in the mouth. The teeth loosen and gum tissue bleeds. Other ways in which a deficiency of Vitamin C can affect the health of the body include poor digestion, water retention, frequent colds, and low energy levels.
While the minimum standard of Vitamin C daily intake is 60 micrograms or mg, most recommend consuming significantly more than that. The minimum requirement offers protection against the worst symptoms of Vitamin C deficiency, with most of the positive effects coming from intake levels of 200 to 500 mgs daily. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin and thus, passes out of the body with urine. That means it must be replaced daily.
Many people find that using Vitamin C supplements is a safe and convenient means of making sure that the daily Vitamin C intake goals are met. Your desired daily intake of Vitamin C will depend of what you are hoping to achieve with your intake, i.e. helping to reduce cholesterol or high blood pressure, helping in collagen production, or building up your immune system. Seeing your health care professional is a good way to determine the best and most beneficial daily intake level for you.
Choosing The Right Vitamin Supplement
By Tim Whinston
Millions of people take daily vitamin supplements to encouragegood health. With all the different kinds of vitamins, mineralsand herbs flooding the market these days, it's sometimesdifficult to know what to choose.
The first thing you need to know is that vitamin supplementsare not a replacement for eating healthy, vitamin rich wholefoods. Food contains the nutrients your body needs in theirvery purest form, and interact with each other and your body ina way supplements cannot. However, taking vitamin supplements inaddition to eating a vitamin-rich diet can be a great way tostay healthy and protect against damage from harmful freeradicals.
When shopping for vitamin supplements, there are a few thingsyou should keep in mind:
Always read the label
Reading labels is a wise practice you should do every time youshop for supplements. Labels can tell you more about dosages,ingredients, safety precautions, and other importantinformation.
Choose a reputable manufacturer
Always choose products with “USP” on the label. “USP” is theabbreviation for the U.S. Pharmacopeia and the inclusion on thelabel means the product has been tested and checked for qualityand safety.
Check the Date
Expired vitamins can lose their potency. Always make sure thereis an expiration date printed on the bottle, and never purchaseor use expired supplements.
Avoid Giant Doses
Do not choose supplements that offer extremely high doses of aparticular vitamin or vitamins. Too much of anything can beharmful, sometimes even fatal.
Store Safely
Always keep your vitamins out of the reach of children. Storein a cool, dark, dry place as heat and humidity can affect theintegrity of the vitamins.
Always Do Your Homework
Research is always a good idea before deciding to take vitaminsupplements. Consult with your doctor. Perform some Internetsearches or visit your local library. There is a wealth ofresources available for you on the topic of vitamin supplementsand the benefits they offer.
About the Author: Tim Whiston is a full-time entrepreneur whohas an interest in healthy living. He manages a website devotedentirely to Vitamin Information and discount vitamin shopping.
By Tim Whinston
Millions of people take daily vitamin supplements to encouragegood health. With all the different kinds of vitamins, mineralsand herbs flooding the market these days, it's sometimesdifficult to know what to choose.
The first thing you need to know is that vitamin supplementsare not a replacement for eating healthy, vitamin rich wholefoods. Food contains the nutrients your body needs in theirvery purest form, and interact with each other and your body ina way supplements cannot. However, taking vitamin supplements inaddition to eating a vitamin-rich diet can be a great way tostay healthy and protect against damage from harmful freeradicals.
When shopping for vitamin supplements, there are a few thingsyou should keep in mind:
Always read the label
Reading labels is a wise practice you should do every time youshop for supplements. Labels can tell you more about dosages,ingredients, safety precautions, and other importantinformation.
Choose a reputable manufacturer
Always choose products with “USP” on the label. “USP” is theabbreviation for the U.S. Pharmacopeia and the inclusion on thelabel means the product has been tested and checked for qualityand safety.
Check the Date
Expired vitamins can lose their potency. Always make sure thereis an expiration date printed on the bottle, and never purchaseor use expired supplements.
Avoid Giant Doses
Do not choose supplements that offer extremely high doses of aparticular vitamin or vitamins. Too much of anything can beharmful, sometimes even fatal.
Store Safely
Always keep your vitamins out of the reach of children. Storein a cool, dark, dry place as heat and humidity can affect theintegrity of the vitamins.
Always Do Your Homework
Research is always a good idea before deciding to take vitaminsupplements. Consult with your doctor. Perform some Internetsearches or visit your local library. There is a wealth ofresources available for you on the topic of vitamin supplementsand the benefits they offer.
About the Author: Tim Whiston is a full-time entrepreneur whohas an interest in healthy living. He manages a website devotedentirely to Vitamin Information and discount vitamin shopping.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Vitamin Supplements For Seniors: What Should You Take?
By Linda Polansky
There is a lot of conflicting research out there about whetheror not vitamin supplements are beneficial and necessary, orsometimes whether they can even be harmful. The truth is, thatmost experts agree that a healthy, balanced diet is all mostpeople need to get all the vitamins their bodies require. Atthe same time, many of these same experts recommend that abasic daily multivitamin is probably a good idea. In addition,there are some groups of people that are specifically prone to certain vitamin deficiencies, and these can be prevented withvitamin supplements. Senior citizens are one of these groups,for several reasons. Older people often do not eat a balanceddiet or eat much smaller amounts of food. As our bodies age,the rate at which we can absorb different vitamins or howefficiently our bodies use them can change, changing our intakeneeds. At the same time, metabolic processes also slow, whichmeans it may take longer to work excess amounts of fat solublevitamins like A, E, and K out of the system, therefore reducingintake needs. Seniors may spend less time outdoors and get lesssunlight, which can lead to vitamin D deficiency. Some elderlypeople may also have deficiencies of B vitamins, one of thesymptoms of which is dementia. What should you take and whatelse do you need to know?
First of all, you should know that vitamin supplements are notregulated by the FDA and should not promise to treat or cureany particular diseases. Also, some vitamin supplements mayhave either a negative effect on the absorption of medications,or increase the effect of some medications. Since most seniorstake at least one medication on a daily basis, it is veryimportant to discuss vitamin supplement use with your doctorthe same way you would discuss a new medication. When you buyvitamin supplements, look carefully at dosages and to seewhether they have extra ingredients in them. Shopping for thebest price is fine, studies have shown no difference betweenlow cost and high cost versions of the same vitaminsupplements. Vitamin D supplements, coupled with calcium, aremost likely to be recommended for older people, particularlywomen, because of their role in helping to maintain bone massand density. Some studies have shown that antioxidant vitaminslike A and E can help reduce the risk of Alzheimers, but thishas not been proven.
About the Author: Linda Polansky writes about Vitamin A, Besthealth vitamins
By Linda Polansky
There is a lot of conflicting research out there about whetheror not vitamin supplements are beneficial and necessary, orsometimes whether they can even be harmful. The truth is, thatmost experts agree that a healthy, balanced diet is all mostpeople need to get all the vitamins their bodies require. Atthe same time, many of these same experts recommend that abasic daily multivitamin is probably a good idea. In addition,there are some groups of people that are specifically prone to certain vitamin deficiencies, and these can be prevented withvitamin supplements. Senior citizens are one of these groups,for several reasons. Older people often do not eat a balanceddiet or eat much smaller amounts of food. As our bodies age,the rate at which we can absorb different vitamins or howefficiently our bodies use them can change, changing our intakeneeds. At the same time, metabolic processes also slow, whichmeans it may take longer to work excess amounts of fat solublevitamins like A, E, and K out of the system, therefore reducingintake needs. Seniors may spend less time outdoors and get lesssunlight, which can lead to vitamin D deficiency. Some elderlypeople may also have deficiencies of B vitamins, one of thesymptoms of which is dementia. What should you take and whatelse do you need to know?
First of all, you should know that vitamin supplements are notregulated by the FDA and should not promise to treat or cureany particular diseases. Also, some vitamin supplements mayhave either a negative effect on the absorption of medications,or increase the effect of some medications. Since most seniorstake at least one medication on a daily basis, it is veryimportant to discuss vitamin supplement use with your doctorthe same way you would discuss a new medication. When you buyvitamin supplements, look carefully at dosages and to seewhether they have extra ingredients in them. Shopping for thebest price is fine, studies have shown no difference betweenlow cost and high cost versions of the same vitaminsupplements. Vitamin D supplements, coupled with calcium, aremost likely to be recommended for older people, particularlywomen, because of their role in helping to maintain bone massand density. Some studies have shown that antioxidant vitaminslike A and E can help reduce the risk of Alzheimers, but thishas not been proven.
About the Author: Linda Polansky writes about Vitamin A, Besthealth vitamins
Monday, October 30, 2006
Test Your Vitamin D Knowledge
By Dr.Joseph Mercola
Vitamin D is the most common nutritional deficiency in theUnited States, and most physicians are clueless about itsimportance. If you can answer the majority of these questionscorrectly you are doing better than the majority of physicians.
Please remember that without question the best way to optimizeyour vitamin D level is with regular exposure of large portionsof your skin to the sun. However, with Labor Day behind us it istime for most of us to consider switching our source of omega-3fats from fish oil to cod liver oil, as that will supply themissing vitamin D that many of us will start lacking due todiminishing sun exposure.
This test was developed by Dr. John Cannell. He is one of theleaders in the vitamin D education movement and has a verycomprehensive Web site dedicated to vitamin D. You can alsosubscribe to his free newsletter there.
1.Vitamin D reversesinflammatory changes associated withage-related memory impairment.
a) True b) False
True.Researchers from Ireland were the first to demonstratethat vitamin D3 acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and turnsold brains into young brains--at least as far as inflammatorycytokines are concerned.This research suggests vitamin D mayprevent, or even treat, age-related cognitive decline!
Biochem Soc Trans. 2005 Aug;33(Pt 4):573-7.
2. Your blood sugar is closely associated with your vitamin Dlevel.
a) True b) False
True.Researchers in Australia added to the growing evidencethat sun avoidance may have caused the epidemic of type 2diabetes.The Australians' findings were straightforward andpowerful. The higher yourvitamin D level, the lower your bloodglucose.
Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2005 Jun;62(6):738-41.
3. In July, a group from Minnesota found that 100 percentofelderly patients admitted for fragility fractures werevitamin-D deficient despite the fact that half of them were taking vitamin D supplements.
a) True b) False
True.The authors found that women taking supplemental vitamin Dhad average levels of 16.4 ng/ml while women not takingsupplements had levels of, both dangerously low.None of the 82 women got enough sun or took enough vitamin D toobtain a level of 40 ng/ml. These were fragility fractures, notfractures caused by unusual trauma.That is, their bones justsort of fell apart.
Curr Med Res Opin. 2005 Jul;21(7):1069-74.
4. Women with the lowest vitamin D levels had five times higherrisk for breast cancer.
a) True b) False
True.Women with 25(OH)-vitamin D blood levels less than 20ng/ml were more than five times more likely to be diagnosedwith breast cancer than were women with levels above 60 ng/ml.That is five, repeat five, timesmore likely!
Eur J Cancer. 2005 May;41(8):1164-9. Epub 2005 Apr 14.
5. Avoiding the sun doubles the risk of prostate cancer.
a) True b) False
True.Again, the risk of avoiding the sun is clear, this time inanother study with prostate cancer.However, the authors pointedout that sun exposure increases the risk of skin cancer andbelieved that proper vitamin D supplementation "may be thesafest solution to achieve an adequate vitamin D status."
Cancer Res. 2005 Jun 15;65(12):5470-9.
I also believe supplementation is the only way to go for manypeople.African Americans are simply unable to spendan adequatetime in the sun.In addition, the sun ages the skin and thatfact alone will keep many Americans out of the sun.That said, Igo into the sun whenever I can. The reason is simple: it is themost conservative thing to do. Until we know everything the sundoes--and itdoes morethan just make vitamin D--the conservativeapproach is to mimic our ancestors and the environment in whichhumans evolved, whenever we can.Therefore, it makes sense tosunbathe sensibly in the late spring, summer and early fall andtake supplements or use UVB lamps the rest of the time.
6. South Korean researchers associated vitamin D deficiencywith Parkinson's disease.
a) True b) False
True.Actually, they showed that certain genetic malformations(VDR polymorphisms) are more likely in patients withParkinson's disease, implying an association with vitamin D andParkinsonism.
J Korean Med Sci. 2005 Jun;20(3):495-8.
7. Researchers in England discovered that patients with chronicpain have phenomenally low vitamin D levels.
a) True b) False
True.The authors added to the evidence that severe vitamin Ddeficiency is associated with chronic pain.They found that 88percentof their patients with chronic pain had levels less than10 ng/ml.If they treated their patients, they did not report it.However, Swiss researchers recently treated chronic painpatients with vitamin D and reported the pain "disappeared"within one to three months in most of their patients. This isthe second open study that showed adequate doses of vitamin Ddramatically improved chronic pain.
Ann Rheum Dis. 2005 Aug;64(8):1217-9.
BMJ. 2004 Jul 17;329(7458):156-7.
Spine. 2003 Jan 15;28(2):177-9.
8. Severe vitamin D deficiency is common in TB patients.
Some English doctors don't know the difference between idealand "normal" levels.
Most American doctors don't know the difference either.
a) All are true b) All are false c) Some are true and some are false
All are true.First, the authors reviewed the impressive animalevidence that vitamin D can help treat TB.Then they reportedthat most of their immigrant TB patients had undetectablevitamin D levels.Then they reported the normal range for theirlab was between 5 to 47 ng/ml but "normal" was any levelgreater than 9 ng/ml. Finally, the researchers reported theytreated their patients with "normal daily doses" of vitamin D,without reporting how much they gave. Apparently, they gavejust enough to get patients above 9 ng/ml.
J Infect. 2005 Jun;50(5):432-7.
Keep in mind that different laboratory techniques result indifferent ranges for 25(OH)-vitamin D levels. No matter whattechnique is used, ideal levels can roughly be defined as anylevel above the median. In this case, as you will see below inDr. Heaney's article, the doctors should have treated theirpatients with 4,000 units a day.They should also have watchedfor evidence of vitamin D hypersensitivity, which can occurwhen treating tuberculosis patients for vitamin D deficiency.
We can only mourn for the poor immigrants who have to sufferfrom both TB and vitamin D deficiency.Of course, few physiciansin theUnited Statesknow the difference between the Gaussiandefinition of "normal" (average ranges for the populationtested) and the ideal definition of "normal" (levels above 32ng/ml).Getting commercial reference labs to report ideal25(OH)-vitamin D levels should be a priority of everyoneinvolved in trying to end the epidemic of vitamin D deficiency.
9. Virtually all nephrologists give renal failure patients avitamin D-like drug.
Virtually all renal failure patients are severely vitamin Ddeficient.
Some nephrologists know the difference between vitamin D andcalcitriol.
a) All are true b) All are false c) Some are true and some are false.
All are true.Finally, the truth about renal failure patients:most of them are vitamin D deficient despite taking vitamin Danalogs!Most nephrologists prescribe activated vitamin D(calcitriol) or vitamin D analogs but not vitamin D.Calcitrioland vitamin D analogs do nothing to prevent vitamin Ddeficiency. Renal failure patients need both vitamin D and acalcitriol-like drug. Moreover, 400 units a day of vitamin Dwill not correct their deficiencies.As you will see below, theyneed up to 4,000 units.
Am J Kidney Dis. 2005 Jun;45(6):1026-33.
P.S.If you think nephrologists know the difference betweenvitamin D and calcitriol, read this month's paper from somenephrologists at the University of Texas.They discuss theimportance of vitamin D in preventing and treating heartdisease.(I think adequate vitamin D nutrition may prevent morecardiovascular deaths than cancer deaths.)However, I read theTexas paper three times and still don't know if the authorsknow the difference between vitamin D and calcitriol.I hopethey know the difference between cholesterol andtestosterone.(Some cholesterol is metabolized into steroidhormones, vitamin D is a prehormone; testosterone is a steroidhormone, calcitriol is the most potent steroid hormone in thehuman body).
Kidney Int Suppl. 2005 Jun;(95):S37-42.
10. Professor Robert Heaney proved, again, that he is agentleman and a scholar.
a) True b) False
True.In the most important clinical paper published this month,Heaney gave the three best reasons why we should all maintainminimum levels of at least 32 ng/ml, the level that:
(a) Effectively suppresses PTH (b) Maximizes calcium absorptio, (c) Maximally improves glucose tolerance
Then he goes on to show that some of us, especially AfricanAmericans, will need to take 3,000 to 4,000 units every day tomaintain healthy 25(OH)-vitamin D blood levels.
J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2005 Jul 15.
He then defends the Institute of Medicine's (IOM)recommendation that we only take one-tenth that amount, as thebest science that was available in 1997.I admire Dr. Heaney fortrying to cover for the IOM.The truth is that both Dr. Heaneyand Dr. Holick told the IOM that 2,000 units a day was nottoxic and would prevent both adequate treatment and meaningfulresearch.The IOM then proceeded to ignore the only two vitaminD experts on the panel.
Writing two years later, Professor Reinhold Vieth came up withdozens of studies the IOM overlooked.These studies conclusivelyshowed 2,000 units a day could not be toxic. Furthermore, Viethfound the literature published before 1997 clearly showed10,000 units a day was unlikely to be toxic.Vitamin D toxicityprobably starts around 20,000 units a day, and then only iftaken for months or even years.
Am J Clin Nutr. 1999 May;69(5):842-56.
Related Articles: Vitamin D Deficiency is Major Health RiskTheSecret Benefits of Vitamin D Vitamin D Lowers Inflammation
About the Author: Dr. Mercola is the founder of,one of the world's most visited and trusted health websites,and publisher of the free e-newsletter -- the #1dietary health and wellness newsletter on the Web with over500,000 subscribers. Dr. Mercola, a physician for over twodecades, is also a New York Times bestselling author whoselatest book, "Dr. Mercola's Total Health Program," presents hisentire renowned dietary health program and has sold over 150,000copies. He is routinely interviewed by the media for his expertinsights, including CNN and ABC World News Tonight. His passionis to change the fatally flawed conventional medical system toone focused on real prevention and cure.
By Dr.Joseph Mercola
Vitamin D is the most common nutritional deficiency in theUnited States, and most physicians are clueless about itsimportance. If you can answer the majority of these questionscorrectly you are doing better than the majority of physicians.
Please remember that without question the best way to optimizeyour vitamin D level is with regular exposure of large portionsof your skin to the sun. However, with Labor Day behind us it istime for most of us to consider switching our source of omega-3fats from fish oil to cod liver oil, as that will supply themissing vitamin D that many of us will start lacking due todiminishing sun exposure.
This test was developed by Dr. John Cannell. He is one of theleaders in the vitamin D education movement and has a verycomprehensive Web site dedicated to vitamin D. You can alsosubscribe to his free newsletter there.
1.Vitamin D reversesinflammatory changes associated withage-related memory impairment.
a) True b) False
True.Researchers from Ireland were the first to demonstratethat vitamin D3 acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and turnsold brains into young brains--at least as far as inflammatorycytokines are concerned.This research suggests vitamin D mayprevent, or even treat, age-related cognitive decline!
Biochem Soc Trans. 2005 Aug;33(Pt 4):573-7.
2. Your blood sugar is closely associated with your vitamin Dlevel.
a) True b) False
True.Researchers in Australia added to the growing evidencethat sun avoidance may have caused the epidemic of type 2diabetes.The Australians' findings were straightforward andpowerful. The higher yourvitamin D level, the lower your bloodglucose.
Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2005 Jun;62(6):738-41.
3. In July, a group from Minnesota found that 100 percentofelderly patients admitted for fragility fractures werevitamin-D deficient despite the fact that half of them were taking vitamin D supplements.
a) True b) False
True.The authors found that women taking supplemental vitamin Dhad average levels of 16.4 ng/ml while women not takingsupplements had levels of, both dangerously low.None of the 82 women got enough sun or took enough vitamin D toobtain a level of 40 ng/ml. These were fragility fractures, notfractures caused by unusual trauma.That is, their bones justsort of fell apart.
Curr Med Res Opin. 2005 Jul;21(7):1069-74.
4. Women with the lowest vitamin D levels had five times higherrisk for breast cancer.
a) True b) False
True.Women with 25(OH)-vitamin D blood levels less than 20ng/ml were more than five times more likely to be diagnosedwith breast cancer than were women with levels above 60 ng/ml.That is five, repeat five, timesmore likely!
Eur J Cancer. 2005 May;41(8):1164-9. Epub 2005 Apr 14.
5. Avoiding the sun doubles the risk of prostate cancer.
a) True b) False
True.Again, the risk of avoiding the sun is clear, this time inanother study with prostate cancer.However, the authors pointedout that sun exposure increases the risk of skin cancer andbelieved that proper vitamin D supplementation "may be thesafest solution to achieve an adequate vitamin D status."
Cancer Res. 2005 Jun 15;65(12):5470-9.
I also believe supplementation is the only way to go for manypeople.African Americans are simply unable to spendan adequatetime in the sun.In addition, the sun ages the skin and thatfact alone will keep many Americans out of the sun.That said, Igo into the sun whenever I can. The reason is simple: it is themost conservative thing to do. Until we know everything the sundoes--and itdoes morethan just make vitamin D--the conservativeapproach is to mimic our ancestors and the environment in whichhumans evolved, whenever we can.Therefore, it makes sense tosunbathe sensibly in the late spring, summer and early fall andtake supplements or use UVB lamps the rest of the time.
6. South Korean researchers associated vitamin D deficiencywith Parkinson's disease.
a) True b) False
True.Actually, they showed that certain genetic malformations(VDR polymorphisms) are more likely in patients withParkinson's disease, implying an association with vitamin D andParkinsonism.
J Korean Med Sci. 2005 Jun;20(3):495-8.
7. Researchers in England discovered that patients with chronicpain have phenomenally low vitamin D levels.
a) True b) False
True.The authors added to the evidence that severe vitamin Ddeficiency is associated with chronic pain.They found that 88percentof their patients with chronic pain had levels less than10 ng/ml.If they treated their patients, they did not report it.However, Swiss researchers recently treated chronic painpatients with vitamin D and reported the pain "disappeared"within one to three months in most of their patients. This isthe second open study that showed adequate doses of vitamin Ddramatically improved chronic pain.
Ann Rheum Dis. 2005 Aug;64(8):1217-9.
BMJ. 2004 Jul 17;329(7458):156-7.
Spine. 2003 Jan 15;28(2):177-9.
8. Severe vitamin D deficiency is common in TB patients.
Some English doctors don't know the difference between idealand "normal" levels.
Most American doctors don't know the difference either.
a) All are true b) All are false c) Some are true and some are false
All are true.First, the authors reviewed the impressive animalevidence that vitamin D can help treat TB.Then they reportedthat most of their immigrant TB patients had undetectablevitamin D levels.Then they reported the normal range for theirlab was between 5 to 47 ng/ml but "normal" was any levelgreater than 9 ng/ml. Finally, the researchers reported theytreated their patients with "normal daily doses" of vitamin D,without reporting how much they gave. Apparently, they gavejust enough to get patients above 9 ng/ml.
J Infect. 2005 Jun;50(5):432-7.
Keep in mind that different laboratory techniques result indifferent ranges for 25(OH)-vitamin D levels. No matter whattechnique is used, ideal levels can roughly be defined as anylevel above the median. In this case, as you will see below inDr. Heaney's article, the doctors should have treated theirpatients with 4,000 units a day.They should also have watchedfor evidence of vitamin D hypersensitivity, which can occurwhen treating tuberculosis patients for vitamin D deficiency.
We can only mourn for the poor immigrants who have to sufferfrom both TB and vitamin D deficiency.Of course, few physiciansin theUnited Statesknow the difference between the Gaussiandefinition of "normal" (average ranges for the populationtested) and the ideal definition of "normal" (levels above 32ng/ml).Getting commercial reference labs to report ideal25(OH)-vitamin D levels should be a priority of everyoneinvolved in trying to end the epidemic of vitamin D deficiency.
9. Virtually all nephrologists give renal failure patients avitamin D-like drug.
Virtually all renal failure patients are severely vitamin Ddeficient.
Some nephrologists know the difference between vitamin D andcalcitriol.
a) All are true b) All are false c) Some are true and some are false.
All are true.Finally, the truth about renal failure patients:most of them are vitamin D deficient despite taking vitamin Danalogs!Most nephrologists prescribe activated vitamin D(calcitriol) or vitamin D analogs but not vitamin D.Calcitrioland vitamin D analogs do nothing to prevent vitamin Ddeficiency. Renal failure patients need both vitamin D and acalcitriol-like drug. Moreover, 400 units a day of vitamin Dwill not correct their deficiencies.As you will see below, theyneed up to 4,000 units.
Am J Kidney Dis. 2005 Jun;45(6):1026-33.
P.S.If you think nephrologists know the difference betweenvitamin D and calcitriol, read this month's paper from somenephrologists at the University of Texas.They discuss theimportance of vitamin D in preventing and treating heartdisease.(I think adequate vitamin D nutrition may prevent morecardiovascular deaths than cancer deaths.)However, I read theTexas paper three times and still don't know if the authorsknow the difference between vitamin D and calcitriol.I hopethey know the difference between cholesterol andtestosterone.(Some cholesterol is metabolized into steroidhormones, vitamin D is a prehormone; testosterone is a steroidhormone, calcitriol is the most potent steroid hormone in thehuman body).
Kidney Int Suppl. 2005 Jun;(95):S37-42.
10. Professor Robert Heaney proved, again, that he is agentleman and a scholar.
a) True b) False
True.In the most important clinical paper published this month,Heaney gave the three best reasons why we should all maintainminimum levels of at least 32 ng/ml, the level that:
(a) Effectively suppresses PTH (b) Maximizes calcium absorptio, (c) Maximally improves glucose tolerance
Then he goes on to show that some of us, especially AfricanAmericans, will need to take 3,000 to 4,000 units every day tomaintain healthy 25(OH)-vitamin D blood levels.
J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2005 Jul 15.
He then defends the Institute of Medicine's (IOM)recommendation that we only take one-tenth that amount, as thebest science that was available in 1997.I admire Dr. Heaney fortrying to cover for the IOM.The truth is that both Dr. Heaneyand Dr. Holick told the IOM that 2,000 units a day was nottoxic and would prevent both adequate treatment and meaningfulresearch.The IOM then proceeded to ignore the only two vitaminD experts on the panel.
Writing two years later, Professor Reinhold Vieth came up withdozens of studies the IOM overlooked.These studies conclusivelyshowed 2,000 units a day could not be toxic. Furthermore, Viethfound the literature published before 1997 clearly showed10,000 units a day was unlikely to be toxic.Vitamin D toxicityprobably starts around 20,000 units a day, and then only iftaken for months or even years.
Am J Clin Nutr. 1999 May;69(5):842-56.
Related Articles: Vitamin D Deficiency is Major Health RiskTheSecret Benefits of Vitamin D Vitamin D Lowers Inflammation
About the Author: Dr. Mercola is the founder of,one of the world's most visited and trusted health websites,and publisher of the free e-newsletter -- the #1dietary health and wellness newsletter on the Web with over500,000 subscribers. Dr. Mercola, a physician for over twodecades, is also a New York Times bestselling author whoselatest book, "Dr. Mercola's Total Health Program," presents hisentire renowned dietary health program and has sold over 150,000copies. He is routinely interviewed by the media for his expertinsights, including CNN and ABC World News Tonight. His passionis to change the fatally flawed conventional medical system toone focused on real prevention and cure.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Are Vitamin Supplements Beneficial For Your Health?
By Willim Wilson
When it comes to all the hype about vitamins, you have probably wondered "Are vitamin supplements beneficial?" Despite the numerous nutritional studies conducted over the past few years, there is still much controversy surrounding the issue of daily vitamin supplements.
The question is not whether taking a daily multivitamin is safe - a daily regimen including a multivitamin has been proven both safe and effective. The question really boils down to whether an individual can get all of the required vitamins and minerals from their diet.
As you probably know well, today's hectic lifestyle makes it very difficult to plan, prepare, and serve a nutritionally well-balanced diet. With people spending more time at work, or shuttling the kids to their extracurricular activities, eating out has become a standard practice for most individuals and families. Therein lies a major dietary problem!
Eating fast foods, or over-sized portions from the local diner, leaves a lot to be desired from a nutritional standpoint. These foods are often prepared with artery clogging oils, saturated fats, and nutritionally deficient ingredients.
When was the last time that you felt you ate a well-balanced meal at your local fast food restaurant?
Worse yet, many people skimp on meals, or miss them altogether, as their busy schedules take precedent over supplying their bodies with needed nutrition, including vitamins and minerals.
Another common "symptom" of today's fast-paced lifestyle, stress is known to have a debilitating effect on an individual's body and reduces its ability to process food efficiently. Unfortunately, stress has become a way of life for all of us. Our busy lives, and the methods we employ to cope with the resulting stress, almost ensures us of experiencing deficiencies in many essential vitamins and minerals.
If the above example even remotely resembles the way you live, it is very likely that you would benefit from a recommended daily vitamin supplement. On the other hand, experiencing a vitamin deficiency can result in serious physical issues. Symptoms can range from fatigue and listlessness to circulatory problems and nervous system damage. So, in answer to the question "Are vitamin supplements beneficial?", the answer is a definite YES. Both children and adults can benefit from taking vitamin and mineral supplements on a regular basis. A high quality multivitamin supplement taken daily can be viewed as a nutritional "insurance" policy.
So tell me, are you willing to take the risk of being nutritionally "un-insured"? The decision is yours!
Bill Wilson is a writer and advocate of vitamins for health and well-being. He focuses on vitamins and minerals facts and the effects of vitamin deficiencies. For more information visit:
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By Willim Wilson
When it comes to all the hype about vitamins, you have probably wondered "Are vitamin supplements beneficial?" Despite the numerous nutritional studies conducted over the past few years, there is still much controversy surrounding the issue of daily vitamin supplements.
The question is not whether taking a daily multivitamin is safe - a daily regimen including a multivitamin has been proven both safe and effective. The question really boils down to whether an individual can get all of the required vitamins and minerals from their diet.
As you probably know well, today's hectic lifestyle makes it very difficult to plan, prepare, and serve a nutritionally well-balanced diet. With people spending more time at work, or shuttling the kids to their extracurricular activities, eating out has become a standard practice for most individuals and families. Therein lies a major dietary problem!
Eating fast foods, or over-sized portions from the local diner, leaves a lot to be desired from a nutritional standpoint. These foods are often prepared with artery clogging oils, saturated fats, and nutritionally deficient ingredients.
When was the last time that you felt you ate a well-balanced meal at your local fast food restaurant?
Worse yet, many people skimp on meals, or miss them altogether, as their busy schedules take precedent over supplying their bodies with needed nutrition, including vitamins and minerals.
Another common "symptom" of today's fast-paced lifestyle, stress is known to have a debilitating effect on an individual's body and reduces its ability to process food efficiently. Unfortunately, stress has become a way of life for all of us. Our busy lives, and the methods we employ to cope with the resulting stress, almost ensures us of experiencing deficiencies in many essential vitamins and minerals.
If the above example even remotely resembles the way you live, it is very likely that you would benefit from a recommended daily vitamin supplement. On the other hand, experiencing a vitamin deficiency can result in serious physical issues. Symptoms can range from fatigue and listlessness to circulatory problems and nervous system damage. So, in answer to the question "Are vitamin supplements beneficial?", the answer is a definite YES. Both children and adults can benefit from taking vitamin and mineral supplements on a regular basis. A high quality multivitamin supplement taken daily can be viewed as a nutritional "insurance" policy.
So tell me, are you willing to take the risk of being nutritionally "un-insured"? The decision is yours!
Bill Wilson is a writer and advocate of vitamins for health and well-being. He focuses on vitamins and minerals facts and the effects of vitamin deficiencies. For more information visit:
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Sunday, October 08, 2006
Valuable Informatoin About Mineral Vitamin Supplements
By:Michael Robert
Today common mineral vitamin supplements are not made naturally, they are made entirely from chemicals. However,
there has become a solid demand for natural rather than chemical mineral vitamin supplements. The reason for this is because of arguments over whether or not chemical vitamins actually help or if they are just harmful since they aren’t made naturally.
Compared to natural vitamins and minerals found in food, chemically produced vitamins and minerals are not as easily consumed by the body. However, research and experiments are continuously being conducted by chemical mineral vitamin companies in an effort to find chemical vitamins that can be easily absorbed by the body providing a more effective and helpful method.
Continuously there are new developments in the vitamin and mineral industry. Other elements have been added to vitamins and minerals in an effort to make them easily absorbed by the body and more useful. When taking supplements the quantity should be higher than what you would normally get in your food. The reason for this is because chemical vitamins and minerals aren’t easily absorbed by the body. However, taking higher amounts of vitamins and minerals has the risk of overdosing which can cause an imbalance of the vitamins in your body.
Recently a new way has been found by researcher to make vitamin and minerals four times easier to absorb by the body. This is a process known as “food state” in which raw materials are cultured with yeast cells. The reason for this is because yeast can be completely digested by the body.
It is always best to look for the newest and best combinations of vitamins and minerals on the market. The vitamins and minerals industry is always making new developments. Check for advice through doctors or other professionals before buying and taking vitamins, never just buy the vitamins that are advertised on television.
Depending on the individual the amount of needed vitamin and mineral consumption will vary. Most people still prefer to get their vitamins and minerals the natural way through their foods so not everyone is going to need supplements. However, supplements are still needed by those who are on strict diets so that they can stay healthy. For long term intakes there are some vitamin supplements that are not recommended.
Michael Robert is the writer for vitamin diary. He also writes on health care information and Ayurvedic Medicines.
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By:Michael Robert
Today common mineral vitamin supplements are not made naturally, they are made entirely from chemicals. However,
there has become a solid demand for natural rather than chemical mineral vitamin supplements. The reason for this is because of arguments over whether or not chemical vitamins actually help or if they are just harmful since they aren’t made naturally.
Compared to natural vitamins and minerals found in food, chemically produced vitamins and minerals are not as easily consumed by the body. However, research and experiments are continuously being conducted by chemical mineral vitamin companies in an effort to find chemical vitamins that can be easily absorbed by the body providing a more effective and helpful method.
Continuously there are new developments in the vitamin and mineral industry. Other elements have been added to vitamins and minerals in an effort to make them easily absorbed by the body and more useful. When taking supplements the quantity should be higher than what you would normally get in your food. The reason for this is because chemical vitamins and minerals aren’t easily absorbed by the body. However, taking higher amounts of vitamins and minerals has the risk of overdosing which can cause an imbalance of the vitamins in your body.
Recently a new way has been found by researcher to make vitamin and minerals four times easier to absorb by the body. This is a process known as “food state” in which raw materials are cultured with yeast cells. The reason for this is because yeast can be completely digested by the body.
It is always best to look for the newest and best combinations of vitamins and minerals on the market. The vitamins and minerals industry is always making new developments. Check for advice through doctors or other professionals before buying and taking vitamins, never just buy the vitamins that are advertised on television.
Depending on the individual the amount of needed vitamin and mineral consumption will vary. Most people still prefer to get their vitamins and minerals the natural way through their foods so not everyone is going to need supplements. However, supplements are still needed by those who are on strict diets so that they can stay healthy. For long term intakes there are some vitamin supplements that are not recommended.
Michael Robert is the writer for vitamin diary. He also writes on health care information and Ayurvedic Medicines.
Article Directory:
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Vitamin K: One More Reason To Eat A Good Breakfast
By Linda Polansky
Everyone from dieticians to Tony the Tiger to our moms have told us that eating a good breakfast is the best way to ensure a positive start to the day. Turns out, one of the nutrients your body needs, vitamin K, is found in two items that are usually a little lower on the list of nutritious breakfast foods: bacon and coffee. If you prefer tea with your morning meal, vitamin K can be found in green tea as well. It’s also in cheese and liver. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t eat your vegetables, too, it’s also found in leafy vegetables, broccoli, and asparagus. Vitamin K is also produced in the intestines.
Vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin, which means that toxicity may be an issue if you take it in high doses. This is unlikely through food sources, but can occur if you take a supplement with K3, a synthetic form of vitamin K known as menadione. Short term symptoms of vitamin K toxicity are sweating and flushing. Over time, jaundice or anemia can occur. Even though vitamin K is fat soluble though, the body does not store as much of it as it does other vitamins, and you have to make sure that you take enough in consistently. While the body doesn’t store much vitamin K, it does use it quite efficiently, recycling it and using it for the same process more than once.
Vitamin K plays a large role in blood clotting, in fact blood cannot clot without it, and symptoms of vitamin K deficiency include frequent nosebleeds and bruises that heal slowly. If you are taking large doses of vitamin A or vitamin E, these can interfere with the body’s ability to absorb vitamin K. Because vitamin K facilitates clotting, people who have had problems with blood clots, such as heart attacks or strokes, need to be careful about how much vitamin K they get in their diet, especially if they are on the blood thinning medication coumadin (the generic name for this medication is warfarin). They should still make sure they get the recommended daily allowance (RDA) to avoid other bleeding problems, but should watch consumption levels of foods high in vitamin K, as it can reduce the effectiveness of their medication. Some research has indicated that vitamin K also helps maintain bone strength, especially in older people.
Linda Polansky writes about Vitamin T,Best health vitamins.
Article Directory:
By Linda Polansky
Everyone from dieticians to Tony the Tiger to our moms have told us that eating a good breakfast is the best way to ensure a positive start to the day. Turns out, one of the nutrients your body needs, vitamin K, is found in two items that are usually a little lower on the list of nutritious breakfast foods: bacon and coffee. If you prefer tea with your morning meal, vitamin K can be found in green tea as well. It’s also in cheese and liver. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t eat your vegetables, too, it’s also found in leafy vegetables, broccoli, and asparagus. Vitamin K is also produced in the intestines.
Vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin, which means that toxicity may be an issue if you take it in high doses. This is unlikely through food sources, but can occur if you take a supplement with K3, a synthetic form of vitamin K known as menadione. Short term symptoms of vitamin K toxicity are sweating and flushing. Over time, jaundice or anemia can occur. Even though vitamin K is fat soluble though, the body does not store as much of it as it does other vitamins, and you have to make sure that you take enough in consistently. While the body doesn’t store much vitamin K, it does use it quite efficiently, recycling it and using it for the same process more than once.
Vitamin K plays a large role in blood clotting, in fact blood cannot clot without it, and symptoms of vitamin K deficiency include frequent nosebleeds and bruises that heal slowly. If you are taking large doses of vitamin A or vitamin E, these can interfere with the body’s ability to absorb vitamin K. Because vitamin K facilitates clotting, people who have had problems with blood clots, such as heart attacks or strokes, need to be careful about how much vitamin K they get in their diet, especially if they are on the blood thinning medication coumadin (the generic name for this medication is warfarin). They should still make sure they get the recommended daily allowance (RDA) to avoid other bleeding problems, but should watch consumption levels of foods high in vitamin K, as it can reduce the effectiveness of their medication. Some research has indicated that vitamin K also helps maintain bone strength, especially in older people.
Linda Polansky writes about Vitamin T,Best health vitamins.
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Saturday, September 16, 2006
Are Vitamin Supplements Really Needed Today?
By Tyson J.Faulkner
Vitamins are nutrients needed for sustaining human life. In today’s world, vitamins and vitamin supplements are very common for a couple reasons.
First of all, our food is not near as nutritious as it used to be. The fruit that we buy at the grocery store almost always comes from out of state, and has traveled more than the average 20 year old. In handling and shipping, fruit loses much of it’s nutritional value, so we need vitamin supplements to make up for this.
Second, we are becoming increasingly aware of the effects that vitamins and vitamin deficiency can have on us. In the early days of sailing, there was a horrible disease that sailors would often contract called scurvy. Many sailors and soldiers died from the disease, not knowing that a simple vitamin found in citrus fruit would cure them.
We now know that many of the early ailments that people suffered from were simply vitamin deficiencys, not some unknown disease. Now that we know what a vitamin deficiency can cause, we are able to combat it with vitamin supplements.
The trick is finding the right vitamin supplement for your needs. For most people, just taking a multi-vitamin once or twice a day does just fine. We still get a decent amount of nutrition from the food we eat, so not too much is needed.
When looking for a multi-vitamin, stay away from anything man-made, usually labeled as “synthetic.” These are man’s attempt to do in the laboratory what God has done in the real world, and they just aren’t effective.
That said, there are two types of natural vitamin supplements, dead and live. They are both completely natural, but you won’t benefit much from taking dead vitamins. In most cases, these vitamins are cooked and put into pill form. In the cooking process, the nutrients are killed, but the dead vitamin remains, and that is what you are taking.
So find a good, live, multi vitamin supplement, and stay away from anything that says “cooked” or “synthetic / man made.” If you would like to learn more about other types of vitamins and what they do for your body, visit
To get more information about vitamins, supplements and health foods, visit
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By Tyson J.Faulkner
Vitamins are nutrients needed for sustaining human life. In today’s world, vitamins and vitamin supplements are very common for a couple reasons.
First of all, our food is not near as nutritious as it used to be. The fruit that we buy at the grocery store almost always comes from out of state, and has traveled more than the average 20 year old. In handling and shipping, fruit loses much of it’s nutritional value, so we need vitamin supplements to make up for this.
Second, we are becoming increasingly aware of the effects that vitamins and vitamin deficiency can have on us. In the early days of sailing, there was a horrible disease that sailors would often contract called scurvy. Many sailors and soldiers died from the disease, not knowing that a simple vitamin found in citrus fruit would cure them.
We now know that many of the early ailments that people suffered from were simply vitamin deficiencys, not some unknown disease. Now that we know what a vitamin deficiency can cause, we are able to combat it with vitamin supplements.
The trick is finding the right vitamin supplement for your needs. For most people, just taking a multi-vitamin once or twice a day does just fine. We still get a decent amount of nutrition from the food we eat, so not too much is needed.
When looking for a multi-vitamin, stay away from anything man-made, usually labeled as “synthetic.” These are man’s attempt to do in the laboratory what God has done in the real world, and they just aren’t effective.
That said, there are two types of natural vitamin supplements, dead and live. They are both completely natural, but you won’t benefit much from taking dead vitamins. In most cases, these vitamins are cooked and put into pill form. In the cooking process, the nutrients are killed, but the dead vitamin remains, and that is what you are taking.
So find a good, live, multi vitamin supplement, and stay away from anything that says “cooked” or “synthetic / man made.” If you would like to learn more about other types of vitamins and what they do for your body, visit
To get more information about vitamins, supplements and health foods, visit
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Tuesday, September 05, 2006
The Advantages of Vitamin Supplements
By James Ellison
The bulk of people do not eat an full balanced diet to supply them with all of the vitamins that they need and this has brought about a boom in the multi vitamin supplement industry. Multi vitamin supplements are for sale in a number of different sorts, including pills, gel capsulates and even liquids. As might be expected the most obvious advantage to taking multi vitamin supplements is convenience. It is much less complicated for a person to take one dose of a multi vitamin supplement that has all of the essential vitamins compared to taking each one separately.
This is especially the way for kids as it can be hard for them to take a large amount of vitamin supplements but one dose of a multi vitamin supplement is much easier. However, a liquid multi vitamin supplement is the most desirable form for youngsters but it also benefits anyone who has hard time taking supplements in conventional tablet form.
The gain in the accessibility of multi vitamin supplements has brought about a great variety in the brands and also the real content of the multi vitamin supplements. The names of some of the supplements in these multi vitamins can be a little baffling and a lot of people simply do not know which ones they need. To make the determination easier there are now a quantity of multi vitamin supplements made for specific people.
For instance, there are multi vitamin supplements that are planned for children. These multi vitamin supplements have the specific nutrients that kids require for them to grow and develop in the right manner. Pregnant women have unusual nutrient requirements to guarantee that their baby gets the necessary nutrients and there are multi vitamin supplements processed for pregnant women. As we become older we also have various nutrient requirements and multi vitamin supplements available.
It is vital to think about the contents of any multi vitamin supplement prior to taking too many. There are some vitamins that can be toxic if too much is ingested and this can happen more easily with multi vitamin supplements as some of the contents may be neglected. The percentage of the recommended every day allowance for each vitamin in a multi vitamin supplement should be distinctly labelled and must be evaluated before someone takes them. Always look for professional medical advice before choosing any multi vitamin supplement if there is any uncertainty as to the perks of the contents.
Jim's articles are from extensive research on each of his topics. You can learn more of vitamin supplements by visiting:Vitamin Supplements
Article Source:
By James Ellison
The bulk of people do not eat an full balanced diet to supply them with all of the vitamins that they need and this has brought about a boom in the multi vitamin supplement industry. Multi vitamin supplements are for sale in a number of different sorts, including pills, gel capsulates and even liquids. As might be expected the most obvious advantage to taking multi vitamin supplements is convenience. It is much less complicated for a person to take one dose of a multi vitamin supplement that has all of the essential vitamins compared to taking each one separately.
This is especially the way for kids as it can be hard for them to take a large amount of vitamin supplements but one dose of a multi vitamin supplement is much easier. However, a liquid multi vitamin supplement is the most desirable form for youngsters but it also benefits anyone who has hard time taking supplements in conventional tablet form.
The gain in the accessibility of multi vitamin supplements has brought about a great variety in the brands and also the real content of the multi vitamin supplements. The names of some of the supplements in these multi vitamins can be a little baffling and a lot of people simply do not know which ones they need. To make the determination easier there are now a quantity of multi vitamin supplements made for specific people.
For instance, there are multi vitamin supplements that are planned for children. These multi vitamin supplements have the specific nutrients that kids require for them to grow and develop in the right manner. Pregnant women have unusual nutrient requirements to guarantee that their baby gets the necessary nutrients and there are multi vitamin supplements processed for pregnant women. As we become older we also have various nutrient requirements and multi vitamin supplements available.
It is vital to think about the contents of any multi vitamin supplement prior to taking too many. There are some vitamins that can be toxic if too much is ingested and this can happen more easily with multi vitamin supplements as some of the contents may be neglected. The percentage of the recommended every day allowance for each vitamin in a multi vitamin supplement should be distinctly labelled and must be evaluated before someone takes them. Always look for professional medical advice before choosing any multi vitamin supplement if there is any uncertainty as to the perks of the contents.
Jim's articles are from extensive research on each of his topics. You can learn more of vitamin supplements by visiting:Vitamin Supplements
Article Source:
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Vitamin Supplement
Variety Of Physical Benefits Attributed To Vitamin K
By Din Lubis
Vitamin K is among the less well known of the vitamins that are essential parts of a healthy diet. Vitamin K serves many important purposes in the body, and attention to ingesting the recommended daily intake levels is necessary to the overall health of the body. In addition to the benefits to physical health, Vitamin K has also been found to have cosmetic benefits as well.
One of the most important role of Vitamin K in the body is the control of blood clotting. In fact, it plays a significant role in the production of thrombin, which is one of the most important of the bodily substances related to blood clotting.
Deficiencies can cause frequent nosebleeds and internal bleeding. A deficiency in Vitamin K is particularly serious for infants, especially those who are born prematurely, as it can contribute bleeding in the brain.
Vitamin K is also important to the health of the bones. It is involved both in their formation and in the repair of bones that are fractured or otherwise damaged. Recent studies have found that Vitamin K may help to prevent or at least decrease the severity of osteoporosis and other bone diseases that cause what is called slow bone loss.
There are a variety of other physical benefits attributed to Vitamin K. It is important to the proper growth and development of babies in the uterus. There are very specific birth defects that are associated with Vitamin K deficiency. These include flat nasal bridges, cupped ears, shortened fingers and underdevelopment of the nose, mouth and the middle area of the face.
However, with that said, it is important to remember that high levels of Vitamin K should be avoided during the last trimester of pregnancy because, as with all dietary supplements and medications, too much can be dangerous for the baby.
You should always discuss each and every dietary supplement you take during your pregnancy with your healthcare provider, even if it is something you’ve been taking for years and is a substance you know well.
There are a variety of prescription medications that can interfere with absorption or the body’s ability to use Vitamin K. In fact, high doses of certain vitamins and minerals can do the same.
It is important, then, to discuss your supplement plan with a licensed nutritionist and, if you are taking prescription medications, with your health care provider. Vitamin K is very important to the body and must not be neglected or used incorrectly.
The cosmetic uses of Vitamin K include success in treating those dark circles under the eyes. Because of its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, research has found Vitamin K to be useful in combating the visual signs of the aging of the skin.
Using dietary supplements that contain Vitamin K supplement can be a safe and secure means of making sure that the body meets the daily intake requirements for this essential vitamin, provided that dosage instructions are followed carefully. This is especially important during pregnancy, for although Vitamin K plays a vital role in the normal growth and development of the baby during pregnancy, too much can be toxic.
By Din Lubis
Vitamin K is among the less well known of the vitamins that are essential parts of a healthy diet. Vitamin K serves many important purposes in the body, and attention to ingesting the recommended daily intake levels is necessary to the overall health of the body. In addition to the benefits to physical health, Vitamin K has also been found to have cosmetic benefits as well.
One of the most important role of Vitamin K in the body is the control of blood clotting. In fact, it plays a significant role in the production of thrombin, which is one of the most important of the bodily substances related to blood clotting.
Deficiencies can cause frequent nosebleeds and internal bleeding. A deficiency in Vitamin K is particularly serious for infants, especially those who are born prematurely, as it can contribute bleeding in the brain.
Vitamin K is also important to the health of the bones. It is involved both in their formation and in the repair of bones that are fractured or otherwise damaged. Recent studies have found that Vitamin K may help to prevent or at least decrease the severity of osteoporosis and other bone diseases that cause what is called slow bone loss.
There are a variety of other physical benefits attributed to Vitamin K. It is important to the proper growth and development of babies in the uterus. There are very specific birth defects that are associated with Vitamin K deficiency. These include flat nasal bridges, cupped ears, shortened fingers and underdevelopment of the nose, mouth and the middle area of the face.
However, with that said, it is important to remember that high levels of Vitamin K should be avoided during the last trimester of pregnancy because, as with all dietary supplements and medications, too much can be dangerous for the baby.
You should always discuss each and every dietary supplement you take during your pregnancy with your healthcare provider, even if it is something you’ve been taking for years and is a substance you know well.
There are a variety of prescription medications that can interfere with absorption or the body’s ability to use Vitamin K. In fact, high doses of certain vitamins and minerals can do the same.
It is important, then, to discuss your supplement plan with a licensed nutritionist and, if you are taking prescription medications, with your health care provider. Vitamin K is very important to the body and must not be neglected or used incorrectly.
The cosmetic uses of Vitamin K include success in treating those dark circles under the eyes. Because of its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, research has found Vitamin K to be useful in combating the visual signs of the aging of the skin.
Using dietary supplements that contain Vitamin K supplement can be a safe and secure means of making sure that the body meets the daily intake requirements for this essential vitamin, provided that dosage instructions are followed carefully. This is especially important during pregnancy, for although Vitamin K plays a vital role in the normal growth and development of the baby during pregnancy, too much can be toxic.
Vitamin Supplement
Vitamin E Has An Important Role
By DinLubis
Impotant role of vitamin E has long been known in the all over health of the body. Some studies have associated sufficient intake levels with the prevention of many serious health problems, and research still continues to delve into the many effects of this important nutrient.
One thing that researchers do know for sure, according to recent studies published by the United States Department of Agriculture, most people do not consume the daily requirement of this important vitamin.
Vitamin E protects Vitamin A in the body, allowing it to perform its essential functions. Furthermore, Vitamin E is also one of the anti-oxidants that serve to protect the cells of the body from the damaging free radicals, which are waste products from the making of energy.
Uncontrolled free radicals are thought to contribute to a variety of serious diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and some cancers. Vitamin E is also thought to have a role in DNA repair and in the body’s natural immune system.
It is important to note here that vitamins, minerals and other nutrients play important roles in the body at the correct levels of intake, meaning that more is not always better. Mega-dosing is something that should always be discussed with a physician, not a salesperson.
Supplements can play a vital role in making sure that the body receives the nutrients it needs to be healthy and strong, as well as in the protection of the body from the numerous diseases and health problems associated with the failure to consume the proper daily intake levels of important vitamins and minerals. But, like any other medicine, using supplements inappropriately can be dangerous.
As many people pay attention to reducing fats in their diets, they may unwittingly be reducing their daily intake of Vitamin E, as Vitamin E is found in vegetable oils and nuts, it is in dark, leafy green vegetables as. Maintaining optimum levels of health means that we must be honest with ourselves.
There are many types of supplements on the market. Understanding what you are looking for will help you to make the best decision about which supplement is best for your individual dietary needs.
Vitamin E supplements primarily come in two general types, natural and pharmaceutical. The natural is usually listed on the label as alpha-tocopheryl acetate D-form, while the man-made type is listed as D,L. The man-made version is half as effective as the natural compound.
Dietary supplements are powerful agents, valuable tools in guarding the health of the body and can offer significant protection against illness and disease. These powerful tools should be used with care and attention. Supplementing the diet with Vitamin E can play an important role in your daily health routine, when used correctly, at the levels most suited to your individual dietary and health needs.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
How To Know If You Need Vitamin Supplements
By Jeff Matson
Taking vitamin and mineral supplements is perhaps one of themost controversial issues regarding healthy living. The lack ofvitamins in your diet can be unhealthy, but too many vitaminscan also put your health in danger. So, how do you know iftaking vitamin and mineral supplements is necessary for you?Ask yourself the following questions in order to determine ifyou may need vitamin supplementation for a healthier lifestyle:
Am I Stressed? If you are constantly stressed-out due to work,relationships, family or any other situation, your adrenalglands may be working overtime. This can potentially causefatigue and headaches.
Treatment: Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin E and Vitamin Csupplements can help with this problem.
Is My Immune System Up to Par? Do you constantly find yourselfcatching colds and the flu more frequently than others? You mayneed to boost your immune system with vitamins and mineralswhich provide the nutrients needed to fight these viruses.
Treatment: Vitamin C supplement, Zinc and Manganese will do thetrick.
Do I smoke? I’m sure you’re aware that this habit is unhealthybut smoking uses up vitamin C and puts you at higher risk ofosteoporosis.
Treatment: Vitamin C supplements and calcium supplements willhelp reduce your chances of osteoporosis and provide you withthe adequate amount of vitamin C.
Am I Pregnant? Pregnant and hormonal women often lack invitamin B-6. If you do not receive enough of this vitamin itcan be harmful to you and your baby.
Treatment: Take a vitamin B-6 supplement, but make sure not totake doses of more than 500mg per day without a Doctor’srecommendation.
Am I on a Diet? If you are on a low-carb, low-fat or any formof diet you are probably not receiving the vitamins necessaryfor healthy living. Individuals on diets very rarely eat foodsfrom all the major food groups and if they do, they usually donot eat the required amounts.
Treatment: Depending on the type of diet and the foods you eat,you may require a multi-vitamin supplement or specificsupplements of Vitamin A, B, C, D, E or K.
Answering yes to any of the questions above does notnecessarily mean that vitamin or mineral supplements arecrucial to healthy living. The situations listed above aremerely a guideline to help individuals who already feel asthough they are lacking the vitamins and minerals in theirdiets. It is important to remember that vitamin supplements aremeant to accompany food and are in no way meant as a replacementfor a healthy diet.
Health-related information changes frequently, and while everyattempt has been made to ensure the content in this article isup to date and accurate, you should always check with a doctoror nutritional expert before undertaking any substantial changein diet or lifestyle.
About the Author: Jeff Matson is an avid health enthusiast whoowned and operated his own natural health food store. Nowretired, Jeff spends his time keeping fit, walking marathonsand writing articles as a contributing editor for
By Jeff Matson
Taking vitamin and mineral supplements is perhaps one of themost controversial issues regarding healthy living. The lack ofvitamins in your diet can be unhealthy, but too many vitaminscan also put your health in danger. So, how do you know iftaking vitamin and mineral supplements is necessary for you?Ask yourself the following questions in order to determine ifyou may need vitamin supplementation for a healthier lifestyle:
Am I Stressed? If you are constantly stressed-out due to work,relationships, family or any other situation, your adrenalglands may be working overtime. This can potentially causefatigue and headaches.
Treatment: Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin E and Vitamin Csupplements can help with this problem.
Is My Immune System Up to Par? Do you constantly find yourselfcatching colds and the flu more frequently than others? You mayneed to boost your immune system with vitamins and mineralswhich provide the nutrients needed to fight these viruses.
Treatment: Vitamin C supplement, Zinc and Manganese will do thetrick.
Do I smoke? I’m sure you’re aware that this habit is unhealthybut smoking uses up vitamin C and puts you at higher risk ofosteoporosis.
Treatment: Vitamin C supplements and calcium supplements willhelp reduce your chances of osteoporosis and provide you withthe adequate amount of vitamin C.
Am I Pregnant? Pregnant and hormonal women often lack invitamin B-6. If you do not receive enough of this vitamin itcan be harmful to you and your baby.
Treatment: Take a vitamin B-6 supplement, but make sure not totake doses of more than 500mg per day without a Doctor’srecommendation.
Am I on a Diet? If you are on a low-carb, low-fat or any formof diet you are probably not receiving the vitamins necessaryfor healthy living. Individuals on diets very rarely eat foodsfrom all the major food groups and if they do, they usually donot eat the required amounts.
Treatment: Depending on the type of diet and the foods you eat,you may require a multi-vitamin supplement or specificsupplements of Vitamin A, B, C, D, E or K.
Answering yes to any of the questions above does notnecessarily mean that vitamin or mineral supplements arecrucial to healthy living. The situations listed above aremerely a guideline to help individuals who already feel asthough they are lacking the vitamins and minerals in theirdiets. It is important to remember that vitamin supplements aremeant to accompany food and are in no way meant as a replacementfor a healthy diet.
Health-related information changes frequently, and while everyattempt has been made to ensure the content in this article isup to date and accurate, you should always check with a doctoror nutritional expert before undertaking any substantial changein diet or lifestyle.
About the Author: Jeff Matson is an avid health enthusiast whoowned and operated his own natural health food store. Nowretired, Jeff spends his time keeping fit, walking marathonsand writing articles as a contributing editor for
Friday, August 25, 2006
Vitamin Supplement
Vitamin D Is A Nutrient That Is Essential To Bone Strength And Health
By Din LubisVitamin D is a nutrient that works in partnership with several other vitamins and minerals to keep the body health and strong. However, it should be noted that of the essential vitamins, Vitamin D is among the most difficult to obtain the daily requirement through naturally occurring sources.
Most of those concerned with making sure that they consume enough Vitamin D rely upon Vitamin D fortified foods and vitamin supplements to achieve sufficient daily intake.
Especially important in bone heath and strength, Vitamin D helps to ensure calcium absorption. It can increase calcium absorption by 30% to 80%. Rickets and other diseases that cause the bones to be weak, misshapen or brittle are a great risk for those who consistently do not meet the daily intake requirements of Vitamin D.
Recent scientific research has found that role of Vitamin D, in addition to being beneficial to the immune system, plays a significant role in cell growth and differentiation, meaning the cells take on the specialized characteristics necessary to perform tasks in specific parts of the body.
In order to have a sufficient intake of Vitamin D, adults older than 70 should have 600 International Units, or IU, per day and those from 51 years of age to 70 should have 400 IU each day. People from 14 years of age through to 50 years should have 200 IU daily, and children should also have a daily Vitamin D intake of 200 IU.
Sunlight plays a role in making Vitamin D useful for the body, and is one the more important natural ways of helping to obtain the daily intake requirement of this important nutrient. As lifestyles have changed through the years, people are not getting the same degree of sun exposure today as they have in the past. In addition, in certain geographic regions, sun exposure is reduced for a good part of the year due to winter weather conditions.
That means that there is a significant portion of the population that is at risk of failing to meet the daily requirement levels of Vitamin D. For example, those who live in the northeast, those who work inside, and those who may be older and have health problems that keep them inside more than they were when more active may suffer deficiencies.
People who have a high melanin level, those with darker skin tones, may also not be getting enough Vitamin D, for the melanin that offers certain protections also interferes with Vitamin D production. For these groups especially, Vitamin D supplements should be seriously considered. Simple and safe, it is a good option.
Breastfed babies also may suffer from Vitamin D deficiency. However, with the nearly immeasurable benefits of breastfeeding, a simple oral supplement prescribed by a health care professional is the very best option.
Vitamin D is a nutrient that is essential to bone strength and health. Changing lifestyles and geographic location, in addition to other natural factors, can make it difficult to obtain the most effective daily intake requirements for many people. Using a safe and simple dietary supplement containing Vitamin D can be an important part of maintaining your health.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Where To Find Reliable Vitamin Supplement Information
By Beverly Taylor
More than 40 million Americans take vitamin supplements and less than 10 percent of them are doing so under a doctor’sguidance. Where, then are they getting the information theyneed to make informed decisions about vitamin supplements?
My friend, the Vitamin Queen, takes more vitamins andsupplements than a strawberry has seeds. I’m in the process ofremembering not to say anything hurts around her for fear shewill make me swallow her latest discovery. Her middle name isAntioxidant and I asked her once how she knew this particularsupplement would wash her car, iron her clothes and paint hertoenails pink. She showed me this catalogue-type publicationand pointed to the article – by the very man who was sellingit!
She gets mad at me when I talk to her about doing independentresearch on her potions but that’s what you’ve got to do. Ifall you’re going to do is believe the hype that everymanufacturer gives you, then you’re likely to miss somevaluable information. Instead, why not check trustedindependent sources for your vitamin supplement information?
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has awebsite full of nutritional facts and figures, includingvitamin supplement information. The American Cancer Societyaddresses this very issue as unfortunately, cancer patients cansometimes be particularly susceptible to wild claims of healthand healing by unscrupulous marketers of vitamins, minerals andherbs.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has a wealth of vitaminsupplement information on their website, including what the lawsays about the labeling on dietary supplements. The FTCregulates the advertising end of this industry and has takenaction with more than a few who have made false claims abouttheir products. You can find examples of some who have erred ontheir website.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates dietarysupplements as food, not as drugs. Therefore, the claims madeby the manufactures of these supplements have not beenevaluated by the FDA. You’ll find some such statements on mostdietary supplements. The FDA also has a wealth of vitaminsupplement information on their website along with reports offraudulent claims made by some perpetrators.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) website is acomprehensive source of vitamin supplement information. TheMayo clinic’s website and are other independentsources of dietary supplement information.
It’s important to make an informed decision about whichvitamins and supplements you feel are safe and necessary totake. The websites and publications developed by those who sellthese supplements are not always honest about them. Vitaminsupplement information is especially important when you aretaking prescription or over-the-counter medication as evenvitamins can interact negatively with some drugs. Be proactiveand read more than just the label when evaluating your dietarysupplement choices.
About the Author: Beverly Taylor makes it easy to learn aboutvitamin supplements and their benefits on your health. Toreceive a free report that reveals shocking secrets aboutvitamin supplements visit
By Beverly Taylor
More than 40 million Americans take vitamin supplements and less than 10 percent of them are doing so under a doctor’sguidance. Where, then are they getting the information theyneed to make informed decisions about vitamin supplements?
My friend, the Vitamin Queen, takes more vitamins andsupplements than a strawberry has seeds. I’m in the process ofremembering not to say anything hurts around her for fear shewill make me swallow her latest discovery. Her middle name isAntioxidant and I asked her once how she knew this particularsupplement would wash her car, iron her clothes and paint hertoenails pink. She showed me this catalogue-type publicationand pointed to the article – by the very man who was sellingit!
She gets mad at me when I talk to her about doing independentresearch on her potions but that’s what you’ve got to do. Ifall you’re going to do is believe the hype that everymanufacturer gives you, then you’re likely to miss somevaluable information. Instead, why not check trustedindependent sources for your vitamin supplement information?
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has awebsite full of nutritional facts and figures, includingvitamin supplement information. The American Cancer Societyaddresses this very issue as unfortunately, cancer patients cansometimes be particularly susceptible to wild claims of healthand healing by unscrupulous marketers of vitamins, minerals andherbs.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has a wealth of vitaminsupplement information on their website, including what the lawsays about the labeling on dietary supplements. The FTCregulates the advertising end of this industry and has takenaction with more than a few who have made false claims abouttheir products. You can find examples of some who have erred ontheir website.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates dietarysupplements as food, not as drugs. Therefore, the claims madeby the manufactures of these supplements have not beenevaluated by the FDA. You’ll find some such statements on mostdietary supplements. The FDA also has a wealth of vitaminsupplement information on their website along with reports offraudulent claims made by some perpetrators.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) website is acomprehensive source of vitamin supplement information. TheMayo clinic’s website and are other independentsources of dietary supplement information.
It’s important to make an informed decision about whichvitamins and supplements you feel are safe and necessary totake. The websites and publications developed by those who sellthese supplements are not always honest about them. Vitaminsupplement information is especially important when you aretaking prescription or over-the-counter medication as evenvitamins can interact negatively with some drugs. Be proactiveand read more than just the label when evaluating your dietarysupplement choices.
About the Author: Beverly Taylor makes it easy to learn aboutvitamin supplements and their benefits on your health. Toreceive a free report that reveals shocking secrets aboutvitamin supplements visit
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Best Vitamin Supplements - 3 Criteria A Best Vitamin Supplement Should Meet
By Olinda Rola
Best vitamin supplements must meet high standards in threecritical areas. Quality in all three areas is vital not onlyfor health benefits but for safety reasons as well. The bestvitamin supplements should excel in these ways:
1. The Design of the Supplement - the term 'efficacy' means 'toproduce an effect'. When combined correctly, the effects orefficacy of certain vitamins and minerals in the body can beincreased several times. And substances, whether natural orsynthetic, when mixed together, can form other undesired ordangerous substances if they are not combined scientifically.When creating a complex best vitamin supplement formula, theprofessional qualifications of the design staff is a crucialpart of the process.
2. The Quality of the Ingredients - there can be enormousdifferences in quality and potency as well as differences incosts of the individual ingredients. Priority should be givento quality, potency and purity with the best vitaminsupplements since the final product will only be as good as theraw ingredients used. The manufacturer must have a system inplace to verify that the ingredients used are as the suppliersclaim.
3. The Procedures Used in Manufacturing - the large volumevitamin manufacturers may use a ribbon type blender and mixingredients for only about 20 minutes. This means that low dosesubstances may not be mixed properly. The time that passes aftermixing before encapsulating or tableting is important - lessthan two hours between blending and tableting makes sure thatthe blend's integrity remains intact during the manufacturingprocess. The only dependable way to be sure you are getting thebest vitamin supplements is to buy them from a facility thatmeets pharmaceutical industry production standards.
Are vitamin and mineral supplements really needed? Numerousstudies have concluded that because of soil depletion, theoverall nutrient value of foods has been declining for decades.Also, even the best vitamin supplements cannot substitute for apoor diet. Eating mostly junk food and taking vitamins will notprovide you with the nutrients you will obtain with vegetablesand fruits. Vitamin supplements should be consideredsupplements, not replacements for food. For example, the latestUSDA food pyramid recommends consuming 2.5 cups of vegetables aday for women and 3 cups a day for men - most people do not.
The best vitamin supplements cannot be the one-a-day type. Why?One capsule or tablet simply cannot hold all that's needed innecessary quantities - it would be way too large to swallow.One-a-day vitamins are probably a waste of money. And on theother hand, it is easy to end up with a dozen or moreindividual vitamins to take daily, requiring bottles andbottles which is both a hassle and expensive.
And finally, women need a different vitamin formula than men. Awoman's supplement should contain nutrients that are proven byclinical studies to support the balancing of female hormonesbefore, during and after menopause. The best vitaminsupplements for men should contain ingredients specifically forsupporting healthy male prostate. Including ingredients provenin clinical studies for the prevention of BPH or enlargedprostate is an important part of the best vitamin supplementsfor men.
Yes, there are manufacturers that meet or exceed the abovecriteria. Learn as much as you can about what finding the bestvitamin supplements really means - before spending your money,be informed about the products you will be taking every day.
Copyright 2005 InfoSearch Publishing
About the Author: Read more about best vitamin supplements at OlindaRola is President of InfoSearch Publishing and webmaster of a website of naturalhealth articles.
By Olinda Rola
Best vitamin supplements must meet high standards in threecritical areas. Quality in all three areas is vital not onlyfor health benefits but for safety reasons as well. The bestvitamin supplements should excel in these ways:
1. The Design of the Supplement - the term 'efficacy' means 'toproduce an effect'. When combined correctly, the effects orefficacy of certain vitamins and minerals in the body can beincreased several times. And substances, whether natural orsynthetic, when mixed together, can form other undesired ordangerous substances if they are not combined scientifically.When creating a complex best vitamin supplement formula, theprofessional qualifications of the design staff is a crucialpart of the process.
2. The Quality of the Ingredients - there can be enormousdifferences in quality and potency as well as differences incosts of the individual ingredients. Priority should be givento quality, potency and purity with the best vitaminsupplements since the final product will only be as good as theraw ingredients used. The manufacturer must have a system inplace to verify that the ingredients used are as the suppliersclaim.
3. The Procedures Used in Manufacturing - the large volumevitamin manufacturers may use a ribbon type blender and mixingredients for only about 20 minutes. This means that low dosesubstances may not be mixed properly. The time that passes aftermixing before encapsulating or tableting is important - lessthan two hours between blending and tableting makes sure thatthe blend's integrity remains intact during the manufacturingprocess. The only dependable way to be sure you are getting thebest vitamin supplements is to buy them from a facility thatmeets pharmaceutical industry production standards.
Are vitamin and mineral supplements really needed? Numerousstudies have concluded that because of soil depletion, theoverall nutrient value of foods has been declining for decades.Also, even the best vitamin supplements cannot substitute for apoor diet. Eating mostly junk food and taking vitamins will notprovide you with the nutrients you will obtain with vegetablesand fruits. Vitamin supplements should be consideredsupplements, not replacements for food. For example, the latestUSDA food pyramid recommends consuming 2.5 cups of vegetables aday for women and 3 cups a day for men - most people do not.
The best vitamin supplements cannot be the one-a-day type. Why?One capsule or tablet simply cannot hold all that's needed innecessary quantities - it would be way too large to swallow.One-a-day vitamins are probably a waste of money. And on theother hand, it is easy to end up with a dozen or moreindividual vitamins to take daily, requiring bottles andbottles which is both a hassle and expensive.
And finally, women need a different vitamin formula than men. Awoman's supplement should contain nutrients that are proven byclinical studies to support the balancing of female hormonesbefore, during and after menopause. The best vitaminsupplements for men should contain ingredients specifically forsupporting healthy male prostate. Including ingredients provenin clinical studies for the prevention of BPH or enlargedprostate is an important part of the best vitamin supplementsfor men.
Yes, there are manufacturers that meet or exceed the abovecriteria. Learn as much as you can about what finding the bestvitamin supplements really means - before spending your money,be informed about the products you will be taking every day.
Copyright 2005 InfoSearch Publishing
About the Author: Read more about best vitamin supplements at OlindaRola is President of InfoSearch Publishing and webmaster of a website of naturalhealth articles.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Supplement Your Diet With Vitamin B12
By: Jenny Riley
Lack of a proper blood level in human beings is the major causeof the condition known as anemia.
Shortage of blood means erythrocytes or red blood cells willnot be produced in the correct quantity.
The anomaly can be rectified with diets. Specifically, dietscontaining large amount of Vitamin B12 (cobalamin).
Studies show that some cases of Vitamin B12 anemic conditioncan lead to permanent brain damage.
The good news however, is vitamin B12 is present in almost allvarieties of foods.
So long as you eat meat regularly, even just once a week, youare getting vitamin B12 in your diet.
Eggs, cheese, and dairy products are other examples of foodsthat contain this essential nutrient.
For vegetarians, fortified cereals and soy products offerplenty of vitamin B12.
But tarry a while, experts say the class of people mostsusceptible to low level of vitamin B12 intake are vegetarians.
The reason?
These people do not eat any kind of animal products. And some,apart from their disdain of animal products, do not eatfortified grains or cereals.
It is highly recommended that vegetarians should take vitaminB12 supplements regularly to compensate for its absence intheir diets.
Don't be among those who live under the illusion that certainvegetables have vitamin B12. The fact is only one plant hasbeen proven to have a form of vitamin B12 that can be utilizedby humans.
That plant is a Chinese herb known as Dang Guy. And it is notavailable in appreciable quantity everywhere.
So most vegetarians don't really have any option than to takesupplements.
The decision to change your diet to that of a vegetarian is notone only you can make. It's a good idea to talk it over withyour physician.
If you've been a vegetarian for sometime and haven't had amedical check up and a blood test, then it's about time you goin for one as soon as possible, even if you are feeling fine.
This is because vitamin B12 deficiency can take years todevelop, and by the time you start to experience the anemiasymptoms, you might already be in danger of permanent braindamage.
People, who due to surgery have had parts of their stomachremoved are also very susceptible to deficiency of vitamin B12.
The parietal cells in your stomach (the same one that producesthe acid which aids digestion) also produces a glycoproteincalled "intrinsic factor". This "factor" must be present in thebody for vitamin B12 to be absorbed.
In the absence of the intrinsic factor, you will require dietsthat contain a large quantity of vitamin B12 to avoid anemia.
People in this situation should also take vitamin B12 richfoods like liver for instance, to get the right amount of thenutrient.
If these suggestions don't appeal to you, then you can takevitamin B12 injections.
About the Author: By Jenny Riley
By: Jenny Riley
Lack of a proper blood level in human beings is the major causeof the condition known as anemia.
Shortage of blood means erythrocytes or red blood cells willnot be produced in the correct quantity.
The anomaly can be rectified with diets. Specifically, dietscontaining large amount of Vitamin B12 (cobalamin).
Studies show that some cases of Vitamin B12 anemic conditioncan lead to permanent brain damage.
The good news however, is vitamin B12 is present in almost allvarieties of foods.
So long as you eat meat regularly, even just once a week, youare getting vitamin B12 in your diet.
Eggs, cheese, and dairy products are other examples of foodsthat contain this essential nutrient.
For vegetarians, fortified cereals and soy products offerplenty of vitamin B12.
But tarry a while, experts say the class of people mostsusceptible to low level of vitamin B12 intake are vegetarians.
The reason?
These people do not eat any kind of animal products. And some,apart from their disdain of animal products, do not eatfortified grains or cereals.
It is highly recommended that vegetarians should take vitaminB12 supplements regularly to compensate for its absence intheir diets.
Don't be among those who live under the illusion that certainvegetables have vitamin B12. The fact is only one plant hasbeen proven to have a form of vitamin B12 that can be utilizedby humans.
That plant is a Chinese herb known as Dang Guy. And it is notavailable in appreciable quantity everywhere.
So most vegetarians don't really have any option than to takesupplements.
The decision to change your diet to that of a vegetarian is notone only you can make. It's a good idea to talk it over withyour physician.
If you've been a vegetarian for sometime and haven't had amedical check up and a blood test, then it's about time you goin for one as soon as possible, even if you are feeling fine.
This is because vitamin B12 deficiency can take years todevelop, and by the time you start to experience the anemiasymptoms, you might already be in danger of permanent braindamage.
People, who due to surgery have had parts of their stomachremoved are also very susceptible to deficiency of vitamin B12.
The parietal cells in your stomach (the same one that producesthe acid which aids digestion) also produces a glycoproteincalled "intrinsic factor". This "factor" must be present in thebody for vitamin B12 to be absorbed.
In the absence of the intrinsic factor, you will require dietsthat contain a large quantity of vitamin B12 to avoid anemia.
People in this situation should also take vitamin B12 richfoods like liver for instance, to get the right amount of thenutrient.
If these suggestions don't appeal to you, then you can takevitamin B12 injections.
About the Author: By Jenny Riley
Vitamin Supplement
Why Folic Acid Is Important
By Din Lubis
Folic acid is one of the vitamins that make up the Vitamin B complex. Also known as folacin and folate, this essential nutrient serves the body in many ways. While important for all age groups, folic acid is especially necessary to pregnant women and important to those entering their elder years.
However, despite all its known benefits, many people fail to meet the recommended daily intake levels, which can have real health consequences.
Role of vitamin folic acid is important from the very first moment of life. In fact, if a couple is even thinking about getting pregnant, the woman should immediately begin to monitor her folic acid consumption, making sure that she meets the suggested daily intake levels.
Most health care professionals recommend that every woman of childbearing age make sufficient folic acid consumption a nutritional priority. That is because this nutrient is vital to the development of the baby from the moment of conception. It can help to prevent serious birth defects in the brain and spine, called neural tube defects.
Spinal Bifida is one of the more well known of these defects. These types of defects usually occur within the first few weeks of development, which means they happen before the average woman even realizes she is pregnant.
Other important functions of folic acid within the body include, in addition to assisting in the formation of genetic material in each and every cell of the body, the formation of red blood cells essential to transporting oxygen and nutrients throughout the body and tissue growth.
Folic acid, according to recent research, has been associated with such health benefits as protection against such debilitating diseases as Alzheimer’s disease, some cancers and heart diseases. It is also thought to offer a certain degree of protection from strokes.
Deficiencies in folic acid can cause a myriad of health problems. Among them are ulcerations in the mouth, inflammation of the tongue, peptic ulcers, and chronic diarrhea. Folic acid deficiency can also contribute to certain kinds of anemia.
Folic acid is a water soluble nutrient, which means it flows out of the body with the urine and the body’s supplies must be replenished daily. Because of its great importance in the reproductive system and the protections it offers, as well as its role in other essential bodily functions, it is a good idea to consider taking dietary supplements to ensure that the recommended daily intake levels are met.
Particularly in the realm of potential birth defects of such a serious and debilitating nature, better safe than sorry should be the philosophy when it comes to folic acid daily intake levels.
When choosing a dietary supplement, it is always important to read and understand the label. That will help you to ensure that you are getting the daily intake levels of the nutrients you seek.
For example, a prenatal vitamin will focus on different nutrients and levels of intake than a general, all-purpose daily multi-vitamin. When planning your vitamin supplement use, make an honest assessment of your eating habits. That way, you can select individual supplements that match your individual dietary needs and health goals, and avoid getting too much of some and too little of others.
So much of good health is planning and maintaining a routine that ensures the daily consumption of proper nutrients. Folic acid supplements can offer a safe and sure means of meeting the body’s daily requirements of this essential and protective nutrient.
By Din Lubis
Folic acid is one of the vitamins that make up the Vitamin B complex. Also known as folacin and folate, this essential nutrient serves the body in many ways. While important for all age groups, folic acid is especially necessary to pregnant women and important to those entering their elder years.
However, despite all its known benefits, many people fail to meet the recommended daily intake levels, which can have real health consequences.
Role of vitamin folic acid is important from the very first moment of life. In fact, if a couple is even thinking about getting pregnant, the woman should immediately begin to monitor her folic acid consumption, making sure that she meets the suggested daily intake levels.
Most health care professionals recommend that every woman of childbearing age make sufficient folic acid consumption a nutritional priority. That is because this nutrient is vital to the development of the baby from the moment of conception. It can help to prevent serious birth defects in the brain and spine, called neural tube defects.
Spinal Bifida is one of the more well known of these defects. These types of defects usually occur within the first few weeks of development, which means they happen before the average woman even realizes she is pregnant.
Other important functions of folic acid within the body include, in addition to assisting in the formation of genetic material in each and every cell of the body, the formation of red blood cells essential to transporting oxygen and nutrients throughout the body and tissue growth.
Folic acid, according to recent research, has been associated with such health benefits as protection against such debilitating diseases as Alzheimer’s disease, some cancers and heart diseases. It is also thought to offer a certain degree of protection from strokes.
Deficiencies in folic acid can cause a myriad of health problems. Among them are ulcerations in the mouth, inflammation of the tongue, peptic ulcers, and chronic diarrhea. Folic acid deficiency can also contribute to certain kinds of anemia.
Folic acid is a water soluble nutrient, which means it flows out of the body with the urine and the body’s supplies must be replenished daily. Because of its great importance in the reproductive system and the protections it offers, as well as its role in other essential bodily functions, it is a good idea to consider taking dietary supplements to ensure that the recommended daily intake levels are met.
Particularly in the realm of potential birth defects of such a serious and debilitating nature, better safe than sorry should be the philosophy when it comes to folic acid daily intake levels.
When choosing a dietary supplement, it is always important to read and understand the label. That will help you to ensure that you are getting the daily intake levels of the nutrients you seek.
For example, a prenatal vitamin will focus on different nutrients and levels of intake than a general, all-purpose daily multi-vitamin. When planning your vitamin supplement use, make an honest assessment of your eating habits. That way, you can select individual supplements that match your individual dietary needs and health goals, and avoid getting too much of some and too little of others.
So much of good health is planning and maintaining a routine that ensures the daily consumption of proper nutrients. Folic acid supplements can offer a safe and sure means of meeting the body’s daily requirements of this essential and protective nutrient.
Friday, August 11, 2006
What Biotin Does For The Body And Mind
By Din Lubis
Biotin is one of the eight vitamins that make up the Vitamin B complex. A comparatively recent addition to the realm of vitamins, after isolating the compound in 1936, it took about 40 years of research before scientists unanimously declared it to be a vitamin. Sometimes referred to as Vitamin H, biotin serves many purposes in the health of the mind and the body.
There are at least four enzymes that require a partnership with biotin to function in the body. Among the purposes of these enzymes is to synthesize fatty acids and to produce glucose.Role of vitamin biotin is also necessary for the production of leucine, which is an essential amino acid.
Recent studies have indicated that biotin has a part in the transcription and replication of DNA. In addition to being necessary for the nervous system to function properly, biotin is associated with the production of neurotransmitters in the brain, including those associated with cognitive function, emotional well being and memory.
The most concentrated sources of biotin come from organ meats, and plant sources tend to contain a much lower concentration of biotin that also tends to be more difficult for the body to use efficiently.
Therefore, those following a vegetarian diet, especial a vegan diet, may want to consider the use of dietary supplements to make sure that their daily requirements for this water-soluble vitamin are being met. Because it washes away in the urine, the body requires a steady, daily supply of this nutrient to maintain peak performance levels.
As with all of the Vitamin B complex vitamins, deficiencies of biotin can have negative consequences for the health of both the body and the mind, some quite serious and some irreversible. Physical symptoms of biotin deficiency include such symptoms as muscle pain, disruptions of the appetite, nausea, diarrhea, dry skin and nails, brittle fingernails, hair loss and fungal infections.
Deficiency in biotin has also been associated with an increase in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, those researchers are still studying the degree of potential connection. Biotin deficiency has been found to negatively affect the body’s natural immune system, and is thought to contribute to fat collecting around the liver and kidneys and malformations of the bones. It can even result in death. Mental symptoms of biotin deficiency include depression, fatigue and negative changes in cognitive function.
Biotin is a nutrient associated with many aspects of physical and mental health. Making sure to meet the recommended daily intake levels is important for all age groups. Pregnant women should pay close attention to the biotin levels in their diet, as biotin is also important for the growth and development of the baby while it is in the uterus.
However, as with any other dietary vitamin supplement or medication taken during pregnancy, a qualified health care professional should be consulted to determine the most suitable dosage.
When used with care and according to standard dosage levels, dietary supplements are a safe and efficient means of maintaining the necessary daily biotin levels. In fact, for vegetarians, a dietary supplement containing biotin is probably a very smart choice.
What Biotin Does For The Body and Mind
By Din Lubis
Biotin is one of the eight vitamins that make up the Vitamin B complex. A comparatively recent addition to the realm of vitamins, after isolating the compound in 1936, it took about 40 years of research before scientists unanimously declared it to be a vitamin. Sometimes referred to as Vitamin H, biotin serves many purposes in the health of the mind and the body.
There are at least four enzymes that require a partnership with biotin to function in the body. Among the purposes of these enzymes is to synthesize fatty acids and to produce glucose. Role of vitamin biotin is also necessary for the production of leucine, which is an essential amino acid.
Recent studies have indicated that biotin has a part in the transcription and replication of DNA. In addition to being necessary for the nervous system to function properly, biotin is associated with the production of neurotransmitters in the brain, including those associated with cognitive function, emotional well being and memory.
The most concentrated sources of biotin come from organ meats, and plant sources tend to contain a much lower concentration of biotin that also tends to be more difficult for the body to use efficiently.
Therefore, those following a vegetarian diet, especial a vegan diet, may want to consider the use of dietary supplements to make sure that their daily requirements for this water-soluble vitamin are being met. Because it washes away in the urine, the body requires a steady, daily supply of this nutrient to maintain peak performance levels.
As with all of the Vitamin B complex vitamins, deficiencies of biotin can have negative consequences for the health of both the body and the mind, some quite serious and some irreversible. Physical symptoms of biotin deficiency include such symptoms as muscle pain, disruptions of the appetite, nausea, diarrhea, dry skin and nails, brittle fingernails, hair loss and fungal infections.
Deficiency in biotin has also been associated with an increase in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, those researchers are still studying the degree of potential connection. Biotin deficiency has been found to negatively affect the body’s natural immune system, and is thought to contribute to fat collecting around the liver and kidneys and malformations of the bones. It can even result in death. Mental symptoms of biotin deficiency include depression, fatigue and negative changes in cognitive function.
Biotin is a nutrient associated with many aspects of physical and mental health. Making sure to meet the recommended daily intake levels is important for all age groups. Pregnant women should pay close attention to the biotin levels in their diet, as biotin is also important for the growth and development of the baby while it is in the uterus.
However, as with any other dietary vitamin supplement or medication taken during pregnancy, a qualified health care professional should be consulted to determine the most suitable dosage.
When used with care and according to standard dosage levels, dietary supplements are a safe and efficient means of maintaining the necessary daily biotin levels. In fact, for vegetarians, a dietary supplement containing biotin is probably a very smart choice.
By Din Lubis
Biotin is one of the eight vitamins that make up the Vitamin B complex. A comparatively recent addition to the realm of vitamins, after isolating the compound in 1936, it took about 40 years of research before scientists unanimously declared it to be a vitamin. Sometimes referred to as Vitamin H, biotin serves many purposes in the health of the mind and the body.
There are at least four enzymes that require a partnership with biotin to function in the body. Among the purposes of these enzymes is to synthesize fatty acids and to produce glucose.Role of vitamin biotin is also necessary for the production of leucine, which is an essential amino acid.
Recent studies have indicated that biotin has a part in the transcription and replication of DNA. In addition to being necessary for the nervous system to function properly, biotin is associated with the production of neurotransmitters in the brain, including those associated with cognitive function, emotional well being and memory.
The most concentrated sources of biotin come from organ meats, and plant sources tend to contain a much lower concentration of biotin that also tends to be more difficult for the body to use efficiently.
Therefore, those following a vegetarian diet, especial a vegan diet, may want to consider the use of dietary supplements to make sure that their daily requirements for this water-soluble vitamin are being met. Because it washes away in the urine, the body requires a steady, daily supply of this nutrient to maintain peak performance levels.
As with all of the Vitamin B complex vitamins, deficiencies of biotin can have negative consequences for the health of both the body and the mind, some quite serious and some irreversible. Physical symptoms of biotin deficiency include such symptoms as muscle pain, disruptions of the appetite, nausea, diarrhea, dry skin and nails, brittle fingernails, hair loss and fungal infections.
Deficiency in biotin has also been associated with an increase in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, those researchers are still studying the degree of potential connection. Biotin deficiency has been found to negatively affect the body’s natural immune system, and is thought to contribute to fat collecting around the liver and kidneys and malformations of the bones. It can even result in death. Mental symptoms of biotin deficiency include depression, fatigue and negative changes in cognitive function.
Biotin is a nutrient associated with many aspects of physical and mental health. Making sure to meet the recommended daily intake levels is important for all age groups. Pregnant women should pay close attention to the biotin levels in their diet, as biotin is also important for the growth and development of the baby while it is in the uterus.
However, as with any other dietary vitamin supplement or medication taken during pregnancy, a qualified health care professional should be consulted to determine the most suitable dosage.
When used with care and according to standard dosage levels, dietary supplements are a safe and efficient means of maintaining the necessary daily biotin levels. In fact, for vegetarians, a dietary supplement containing biotin is probably a very smart choice.
What Biotin Does For The Body and Mind
By Din Lubis
Biotin is one of the eight vitamins that make up the Vitamin B complex. A comparatively recent addition to the realm of vitamins, after isolating the compound in 1936, it took about 40 years of research before scientists unanimously declared it to be a vitamin. Sometimes referred to as Vitamin H, biotin serves many purposes in the health of the mind and the body.
There are at least four enzymes that require a partnership with biotin to function in the body. Among the purposes of these enzymes is to synthesize fatty acids and to produce glucose. Role of vitamin biotin is also necessary for the production of leucine, which is an essential amino acid.
Recent studies have indicated that biotin has a part in the transcription and replication of DNA. In addition to being necessary for the nervous system to function properly, biotin is associated with the production of neurotransmitters in the brain, including those associated with cognitive function, emotional well being and memory.
The most concentrated sources of biotin come from organ meats, and plant sources tend to contain a much lower concentration of biotin that also tends to be more difficult for the body to use efficiently.
Therefore, those following a vegetarian diet, especial a vegan diet, may want to consider the use of dietary supplements to make sure that their daily requirements for this water-soluble vitamin are being met. Because it washes away in the urine, the body requires a steady, daily supply of this nutrient to maintain peak performance levels.
As with all of the Vitamin B complex vitamins, deficiencies of biotin can have negative consequences for the health of both the body and the mind, some quite serious and some irreversible. Physical symptoms of biotin deficiency include such symptoms as muscle pain, disruptions of the appetite, nausea, diarrhea, dry skin and nails, brittle fingernails, hair loss and fungal infections.
Deficiency in biotin has also been associated with an increase in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, those researchers are still studying the degree of potential connection. Biotin deficiency has been found to negatively affect the body’s natural immune system, and is thought to contribute to fat collecting around the liver and kidneys and malformations of the bones. It can even result in death. Mental symptoms of biotin deficiency include depression, fatigue and negative changes in cognitive function.
Biotin is a nutrient associated with many aspects of physical and mental health. Making sure to meet the recommended daily intake levels is important for all age groups. Pregnant women should pay close attention to the biotin levels in their diet, as biotin is also important for the growth and development of the baby while it is in the uterus.
However, as with any other dietary vitamin supplement or medication taken during pregnancy, a qualified health care professional should be consulted to determine the most suitable dosage.
When used with care and according to standard dosage levels, dietary supplements are a safe and efficient means of maintaining the necessary daily biotin levels. In fact, for vegetarians, a dietary supplement containing biotin is probably a very smart choice.
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