Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Vitamin Supplements and Your Health - What You Must Know Right Now!
By J. Lance Curtis

The phrase vitamin supplement is almost synonymous with dietary supplement. The category of vitamin supplements encompasses all supplements whether it is a weight loss, protein, herbal, mineral, or vitamin.

A subset of protein supplements, bodybuilding supplements are believed to aid in the growth of lean muscle tissue. These include individual amino acids, like glutamine, branch chain amino acids (BCAA), and complex protein compounds. While some evidence exists that confirm these substances do increase lean muscle tissue, many people debate whether the effectiveness is worth the price.

As with any nutritional supplement, “you don’t get what you don’t pay for.” Meaning, quality products yield more results and are more expensive. But don’t be penny-wise and pound-foolish, cheap or discounted bodybuilding supplements are almost always a waste of time and money.

The weight loss industry in the United States is a multi-billion (if not trillion) dollar industry. Whether the supplement is designed to speed up your metabolism or magically melt off the pounds while you sleep, major money is spent on substances marketed as help to shed those unwanted pounds. Many of the most popular weight-loss products come from herbal and other plant extracts. Standardized herbal extracts can make the task of product formulation much more effective. Choose a product using these extracts and not plant material. This ensures you will receive an efficacious amount of the active ingredient.

If you are one of the many who cannot swallow pills, for whatever reason, then a liquid version of a vitamin and mineral supplement is perfect for you. Look for a quality supplement, as mentioned above, and use it. Do not let your inability to swallow pills keep you from taking in the necessary nutrients. Most liquid supplements are readily absorbed as well, so even the hardiest of “pill-poppers” can benefit from liquid vitamins.

Many times choosing a multi-vitamin and mineral is often the most convenient way to get your necessary amount of nutrients. One dose is much easier to remember to take than many pills throughout the day.

Because you are reading this you probably believe in having a healthy balanced diet. Meal planning is crucial to know how much to consume, whether it is organic produce, or vitamins and nutritional supplements. There are many excellent meal planning tools available, some online. Look for one that uses scientifically researched and accurate food nutrient information, like the USDA Food Nutrient Database. Visit The Nutrition Guru! to see a demo of an excellent planner.

J. Lance Curtis is editor and contributor to The Nutrition Guru! Discover how vitamin and mineral supplements can improve your health by visiting The Nutrition Guru! - Vitamins Supplements
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=J._Lance_Curtis

Friday, February 23, 2007

Do Many Of Today's Vitamin Supplements Owe Their Existence To Early Native Americans? by Gregg Hall

Vitamin Supplements are fast becoming a way of life for many people. With the high cost of prescription drugs, many people are turning to vitamin supplements to aid in their health for different diseases. Many of the supplements have been used for years by our ancestors and are now becoming more popular among the population today. Maybe our ancestors knew a lot more than we give them credit for.

They discovered many plants and their roots were good for different ailments and used them in the raw form to heal themselves and their family members. Many of those remedies are still being used today and the companies manufacturing the vitamin supplements have discovered that they do in fact work so they are manufacturing the plants in pill, capsule, or liquid form and making millions of dollars from them. It is a shame that a lot of these supplements have been discovered through the American Indians and they deserve to get some compensation or benefits from the sell of these products but instead they get nothing and some still live on reservations. Again the greed of some has won.

The food that is being processed today may not contain all of the vitamins and minerals that the body needs on a daily basis and many people do not eat a balanced diet at each meal if they eat a meal at all. Some are too busy so they just grab an unhealthy snack and it has to do until the next meal. Much of the food we eat today is either not healthy for us or the process in which it is manufactured is not healthy. The natural food products are very hard to find and usually are expensive when we do find them.

The vitamin supplements can help assure us that we are getting the necessary daily dose that our body needs. By getting the right vitamins and minerals in out system we are helping to fight off diseases and viruses. There are some supplemental vitamins that will make your immune system stronger and when everyone else is getting the flu you are healthy. The natural vitamin supplements do not have a lot of added synthetics or caffeine or other negative properties in them. They are all natural and will may do more good than a lot of the prescription drugs.

They are considered vitamin supplements because they are made from natural plants and have no additives. This is why they cannot be considered as drugs. They contain no manmade synthetics, which is the factor in prescription medications. If given the choice, many people would rather use the natural vitamin supplement as opposed to a drug, which may aid in one ailment but may possible cause destruction of other body parts. Why would one take something to lower the blood pressure if it is going to destroy the liver or kidneys? Gee, we need them too!

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find more about this as well as quality natural health supplements at http://www.qualitynaturalhealthsupplements.com

Article Source: http://articles.directorygold.com

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Are Vitamin Supplements Really Beneficial? by Ben Adams

Humans are designed to perform various tasks. Meaning, they are also designed to consume very high levels of energy. With this regards, it is a must that humans must incorporate into their daily diets the vitamins and minerals that will act as vital supplements to keep them going. The generation in which everyone of us currently lives in is a health-conscious generation. Vitamins, minerals, and most of all, nutrition, have become very important topics. Schools, health organizations, hospitals, and clinics emphasize the importance of such to human life. Care for the human body is vital. With a malfunctioning body system, work, challenges, and health will just be dreams which will be out-of-reach.

The busy lifestyle as engaged to by all individuals now hinders proper nutrition. Why so? It is because of the reality that these busy individuals tend to eat less than what is required. They no longer eat a sufficiently balanced diet that will enhance their immune system in fighting off foreign bodies that attack the body systems. This malpractice as exemplified by the people these days has paved the way for the boom of the vitamin supplement industry.

It still cannot be denied that the intake of a sufficient balanced diet secures proper nutrition. Multi vitamins though, come in varied forms. There is the liquid vitamin, vitamin pill, and some of them come in gel capsules.

Taking in a multivitamin, be it in whatever form, will obviously give a person the very benefit of what is known as convenience. It will be much convenient for a person, particularly the very busy ones, to take one multivitamin supplement than to take a lot other of the varied kinds that contain separate vitamin supplements. For one, the children need to take only one dose of a complete set of vitamins which will further enhance their resistance. It will be very difficult to let the children take a large number of vitamin supplement. Although it is best for them to have the vitamin liquid supplement. For older people, it is as well considered beneficial to take in the traditional tablet form of vitamins.

There are a myriad of health benefits which can be derived out of vitamin intake as part of your daily diet. You may have recalled how your mother would pump you with different types of vitamin supplements. You may have clearly remembered how you managed to trick you mom or your nanny so you will not be obliged to drink your vitamin supplements for the day. Now that you have grown up from your childish ways, it is now clear to you how beneficial vitamin supplements can get, right?

Vitamin supplements provide antioxidants such as that of the Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and Vitamin A. These antioxidants function by combating what is known as the reactive oxygen intermediates or that which is commonly known as the free radicals. It is a known fact that the free radicals are the root of serious illnesses like that of cancer, hypertension, and the rheumatoid arthritis.

What are free radicals really? And how do they harm humans?

These free radicals are the sets of atoms that contain unpaired electrons in the outer shell. They are hence fatal. And because of their struggle to attain a more stable outer shell, they need to get an electron that will be paired with the rest of their electrons. When taken inside the human body, the free radicals operate to oxidize the nearest molecule. Therefore, these free radicals are able to take their needed electron. Now, the oxidized molecule will hence become a free radical as well. A chain reaction follows and starts disrupting the living cells around.

Do you know what the free radicals do?

The free radicals primarily attack the DNA, the lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates. In all cases, the prime target is the DNA. When the DNA is the one disrupted, then mutations start on the part of the cell cycle then automatically leads to malignancy.

What must be done?

It is essential to take antioxidants as provided by the Vitamins A, C and E. These substances tend to protect the human body against the damaging and harmful oxidation reactions.

Not anybody wants to be a victim of diseases and some other illnesses. The protection against the harms brought by the free radicals and some other dangerous factors can impede good health. That is why, it is extremely a must to protect one's self. Vitamin supplements will help.

Ben Adams is the author of: 'Vitamin Supplements Health Boosting Secrets' an informative guide on how to naturally improve your health. Claim your free 5-part 'Vitamin and Supplement tips' course here: Free Vitamin Supplement Tips

Article Source: http://articles.directorygold.com

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Vitamins and Supplements by Michael Brickey, Ph.D.

Magazines are full of articles such as, folic acid (Vitamin E, Beta Carotene, etc.) prevents.... This is presented as if it were news. The articles imply we should run out and buy the supplements. Such articles are especially common in magazines that advertise vitamins and supplements. Every month they seem to find or recycle a couple more vitamins and supplements.

What’s wrong? If you were to take all of the vitamins and supplements they recommend in a piecemeal fashion you would be heavily taxing your liver and your wallet. Many of these vitamins and supplements are included in a multiple vitamin and taking both may be taking too much. Many vitamins and supplements can cause serious health problems if taken in extreme amounts.

The articles give little consideration to how the vitamin or supplement interacts with other vitamins and supplements, e.g., high doses of Vitamin C can inhibit the absorption of B-12, calcium needs vitamin D. Supplements such as gingko biloba and aspirin thin the blood, which may or may not be desirable and certainly needs to be considered if you are going to have surgery.

The research often isn’t realistic. No one questions that we need folic acid. But the research should have large numbers of people in an experimental and placebo groups following the treatment program for several years. The control group should take a good daily multiple vitamin with the amount of folic acid that multiple vitamins usually contain. The treatment group would take the same multiple vitamin plus additional folic acid. Results should show a statistically and clinically significant effect. Research should also control for socioeconomic factors (people who normally take vitamins tend to be better educated, more affluent, eat more healthily, and exercise more). Rarely do popular press articles meet these criteria.

As consumers we need to eat healthy foods and take a good multiple vitamin as an insurance policy against whatever our diet misses. Then ask what special needs you have that call for additional supplements, e.g., men taking saw palmetto to help prevent prostate cancer, people with a risk of heart disease taking daily low dose aspirin, women who have problems with urinary tract infections drinking cranberry juice or using cranberry extract. Overdoing supplements and piecemeal use of supplements may cause more problems than they help.

Most people get enough iron from their food and don’t need iron in their vitamins. Iron in particular can contribute to free radical damage. People who do need iron in vitamins or supplements include: children, women who menstruate, people who donate blood, and people who are anemic.

On the lighter side, there is the story about two cows that saw a milk tank truck drive by. In large bold letters it said, Pasteurized, Homogenized, Vitamin A added. One cow turned to the other and said, “makes you feel sort of inadequate, doesn’t it?”

The bottom line is to take a good daily multiple vitamin geared to your age and gender. Then consider if there are any other supplements you need beyond what your multiple vitamin is providing. Only take those that fit with your plan. Largely ignore the endless piecemeal articles on miraculous vitamins and supplements.

Dr. Michael Brickey, The Anti-Aging Psychologist, teaches people to think, feel, look and be more youthful. He is an inspiring keynote speaker and the Oprah-featured author of Defy Aging and 52 baby steps to Grow Young. Visit www.NotAging.com for a free report on secrets for being more youthful and a free newsletter with practical anti-aging tips.

Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
12 Sources of Natural Vitamin Supplements
By Ben Adams

Taking vitamins has long been considered as a prerequisite to good health. In fact, health experts are in agreement, that these organic molecules are needed to be taken by the human body in minute quantities, to ensure proper health. According to these experts, a person deprived of a particular vitamin would eventually exhibit disease symptoms particular to the said vitamin.
The importance of vitamins for good health is a fact well known to everybody. Even children at the primary school level are well aware of this because they are being educated on the importance of vitamins for their body. But while everybody knows how important vitamins are, not everybody knows where to get them. In fact, many believe that the only source of vitamins is the medicine bottle.
Vitamins, however, are not limited to those that are sold on drug stores as food supplements. In fact, vitamins do exist naturally. To give more light on this topic, it may be better if we give you first a background on the basic types of vitamins available today.
The Basic Types of Vitamins Available in the Market
There are three general types of vitamins being sold in the market today. These three types are the natural vitamins, crystalline vitamins, and synthetic vitamins.
• Natural Vitamins
Natural vitamins are those vitamins that can readily be found in natural foods. If processed into a commercial food supplement, the vitamin must have all of its components intact, including its enzymes, co-enzymes, minerals, mineral activators, and co-vitamin helpers.
• Crystalline Vitamins
Crystalline vitamins are those vitamins that are extracted from natural food sources but were already treated with various high-powered chemicals, solvents, heat and distillations to separate the specific vitamin from all other synergistic components attached to it. As such, these vitamins have a very simple structure compared to the complex structure of natural vitamins.
• Synthetic Vitamins
Synthetic vitamins are those vitamins that were chemically formed in laboratories by scientists. While they are not derived from any natural source, the structure of these vitamins would usually resemble that of their crystalline counterparts.
As you can see, vitamins are not limited to those found on drug stores and medicine bottles. In this article, we’ll concentrate on those vitamins that can be found on natural food sources—the natural vitamin supplements.
Natural Vitamin Supplements
According to studies, our body needs 13 vitamins for proper bodily functions. These vitamins are composed of the vitamins A, C, D, E, K and the B vitamins. The B vitamins, on the other hand, are composed of thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and folate.
Now, all these vitamins are available in drug stores in various concentrations. However, all of these 13 vitamins can also be found on natural food sources. In fact, a person having a variety of foods in his diet must already be taking minute amounts of these vitamins everyday. And as have previously been said, only a minute amount of all these vitamins are needed by the body to function properly.
So if you are interested on keeping your health at its prime, then you can bank on the natural vitamins that nature has to offer. Here is a list of the food sources from which you can extract natural vitamin supplements:
1. Vitamin A
Vitamin A can be found from meat sources and dairy products like milk, cheese, cream, liver, kidney, and cod liver. But since all of these are high cholesterol products, you may want to try getting vitamin A from its precursor, beta-carotene. Common sources of beta carotene are raw carrots, sweet potatoes, winter squash, cantaloupe, spinach, mango, broccoli and other red- or yellow-skinned fruits and vegetables.
2. Vitamin B1 (thiamine)
Common sources of thiamine are fortified breads, cereals, pasta, whole grains, lean meats, fish, peas and dried beans. Some dairy products, fruits and vegetables are also rich in vitamin B1.
3. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
Dairy products like milk and yogurt are the primary sources of riboflavin. Other sources are chicken meat, green and leafy vegetables, fruits and almonds.
4. Vitamin B3 (niacin)
Food products that are rich in niacin include dairy products, poultry, fish, lean meats, nuts and eggs. Some legumes and cereals also contain traces of niacin.
5. Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)
Vitamin B5 rich foods would include, fish, dairy products, poultry, lean beef, yeast and vegetables in the cabbage family. Also rich in vitamin B5 are white and sweet potatoes as well as peanuts and peas.
6. Vitamin B6 (pyroxidine)
Fruits like bananas, watermelons and tomatoes are known sources of vitamin B6. Other common sources are chicken, broccoli, spinach, potatoes, white rice, peanuts, oats and fortified cereals.
7. Vitamin B12
Meat, poultry, fish, shellfish and dairy products comprise the rich sources for vitamin B12.
8. Folate
Green and leafy vegetables are the largest source of folates, although this vitamin can also be found on tomato juice, peas, wheat germ, oranges and mushrooms.
9. Vitamin C
The most common sources of vitamin C are the citrus fruits and their juices like strawberry, melon, cranberry, grapefruit and others. Most other fruits and vegetables also contain small amounts of vitamin C.
10. Vitamin D
The largest sources of vitamin D are dairy products, poultry, and cereals. Aside from these food sources, the body also synthesizes vitamin D when the skin is exposed to the heat of the sun.
11. Vitamin E
Vitamin E is mostly derived from plant oils and products made from it, like margarine and mayonnaise. Other sources include peanuts, whole grains, wheat germ, corn, nuts, olives, spinach and other green and leafy vegetables.
12. Vitamin K
Leafy and green vegetables like cabbage and spinach are the primary source of Vitamin K. Other sources include soybeans, cereals, fruits, beets, potatoes, dairy products, meat products and poultry. Bacteria found in the stomach and in the intestines can also synthesize vitamin K.

Ben Adams is the author of: 'Vitamin Supplements Health Boosting Secrets' an informative guide on how to naturally improve your health. Claim your free 5-part 'Vitamin and Supplement tips' course here: Free Vitamin Supplement Course
Article Source: http://articles.directorygold.com